Chapter 18 - College Targets

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- Jasmine -
Indiana shook her head, huffing. She'd been doing this ever since I'd told her about working with Corey. "What so you just forgave him for cheating with her?!" She demanded.

"No I didn't forgive him. But now I'm stuck in this thing."

"What 'thing'?"

"I s'pose you could call me a college target."

"College target? Why what did he make you do?"

"He only picked a fight with Wes." I shrugged nonchalantly.


"Shhhhh Indi! Things are bad enough without you telling the world."

Kirsty walked into the dorm and dumped her books on her bed. "So you're a rebel now?" She said as she sat on the floor with us.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered.

"Jazz you are a terrible liar." Kirsty raised an eyebrow.

"Where the hell did you hear about it." I demanded.

"Eavesdropping on Wes."

"Kirsty you can't eavesdrop especially if your doing it to Wes."

"I didn't have to try too hard he said he gave Corey a lesson in learning when to shut up."

"So he's telling everyone what happened?" Indi asked.

"Not telling, broadcasting." Kirsty replied.

"I bet he's not telling the whole story." I muttered.

Zoe came in at that moment with Dylan and Jake. "I hope we're not interrupting anything here." she said brightly and they joined us on the floor.

"Then what's the whole story?" Indi asked me. They all stared at me expectantly, what was I going to tell them? That Wes and his gang pulled knives on us. No I definitely couldn't say that.

"There's nothing to tell." I shrugged.

"Your hiding something." Jake stared directly into my eyes.

"No I'm not, its between Corey, Daniel and me. We were there and only us and Wes's gang knows the truth." I lied hoping to get it past them.

"So what's the deal Jazz?" Dylan asked, he didn't have to clarify, I knew what he meant.

"I'm single." I shrugged, "Trying to help my very close male friend."

Dylan had always tried to be a big brother to me ever since I started date in Corey last year. I knew he meant well but sometimes I just didn't feel like I wanted him to care so much.

"And this very close male friend is who? Corey?" Dylan raised an eyebrow.

"Toby." I answered, "But that's not the problem. We have an impending musical performance and we've lost a guitarist. Indi can you pick up the slack?"

"Sure I can, its just we haven't had much time for rehearsal lately, you know with all the problems." Indi answered.

"Not to mention it's tomorrow night." Zoe added.

"We're doomed." Indi sighed.

The door opened again and Kirsty stood there gaping. "What is this? A top secret meeting without me?" She looked hurt.

I stood up and hugged her, "We'd never have a top secret meeting without you." I said and she smiled. I heard the bell sound in the distance.

"We've got English haven't we?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah you, me and Kirsty do." I said grabbing my books, "Alright everybody out."

- Corey -
What I'd done yesterday would probably be one of the stupidest things I'd ever done. Not only did I put myself in danger but I put Daniel and Jasmine in danger too. There were so many 'what if's' swirling around in my mind. What if Jasmine had gotten hurt? What if she thought I was crazy? What if she would never trust me again?

I didn't know where any of them were, Dylan and Jake were gone when I woke up. I hadn't seen the girls either.

I walked around the oval wondering what to do, I didn't know which class I was supposed to be in nor did I care. I'd got what I wanted yesterday, I think. But I just hadn't the foggiest idea of how to testify maybe because I barely went to class. Jasmine had lectured me over and over about how I should go to class. The truth is that class is boring as shit. The only reason I was even at college was because I had a football scholarship.

Jasmine was here because she had her future all planned out. She wanted to be either a musician or a writer. I think she should be a model but that's beside the point, she knows what she's going to do. I don't. I'm not smart at anything - Jasmine would disagree- but I know I'm not meant to be anything other than a football player. I'm too dumb for anything else. I don't deserve her, I never have.

Indiana and Daniel took my attention, they sat up on the bleachers talking what looked like very intensely. I didn't want to intrude but I walked over and they stopped talking and looked at me.

"Hey Corey." Daniel said. Indiana didn't say anything or acknowledge I was there.

"Hi. Am I interrupting anything?" I asked.

"Only interrupting everyone's lives." Indiana muttered.

"Okay then." I turned to walk away.

"What Indiana means is that she thinks you don't deserve Jasmine." Daniel stopped me.

"Tell me something I don't know." I muttered.

This time I left. Time to grow up and deal with this whole situation like an adult. Easier said than done of course but I would do the right thing if it kills me.

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