Chapter 7 - My guardian angel

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- Jasmine -
"That was the longest walk I've known you to go on." Zoe complained, "I was beginning to think you fell down a hole and went to wonderland."

I threw a pillow across the room and it smacked right into her face. "My name isn't Alice you know."

"Then where did you go for an hour?" She asked.

Great, I was going to have to lie to her again. First about going for a walk and second where I was when I was supposed to be walking. "I just went to the library for some quiet time. I've made some new friends in some of my classes and I'd like you to meet them sometime."

"Ooh what are their names?"

"Indiana and Toby."

"Oh which class did you meet them in?"

"Well Indi's in my art class and Toby I met him in the courtyard."

"I invited the guys over so we can all hang out and order pizza."

As if on cue there was a knock on the door, Zoe jumped up and opened it. The boys and Kirsty stood there holding pizza boxes. Kirsty rushed in and hugged me.

" I never see you anymore, our classes are all together and whenever your here I'm not."she gasped hugging me.

"It's good to see you and Jake too. I miss you guys." I replied smiling.

Jake and Kirsty hugged and Zoe and Dylan did the same. Corey and I just stood there looking at the floor. I walked back over to my bed and pulled out my math textbook and began doing my math homework.

"Hey Jazz, is everything alright?" Jake asked.

"Never been better." I lied. My thoughts drifting back to Toby's words yesterday.

"I don't understand, why are you giving me a key to your dorm?"
"Because this is your safe house now. I want you to come here and tell me if you need anything. I don't want to see you get hurt Jasmine."

"I get the feeling your not fine." Kirsty said, "Do you need a few minutes?"

"Guys just drop it I'm fine." I said.

"Well pizza everyone!" Zoe yelled excitedly.

I went back to my homework as everyone else dug into the pizza. I couldn't really concentrate on it though because of the noise.

"Come on Jazz, you're being a drag." Zoe insisted.

"Yeah you are. Just have some fun for one night, the homework can wait." Corey said.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't want to get in your way." I snapped back at him.

"I never said you were in my way."

"No you didn't but you implied it. Did you think I was stupid? Did you think I was a dumb blonde?"

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately." he said.

"What's gotten into me?! You're the one who started this! Going all quiet on me and keeping things from me!" I yelled standing up grabbing my bag and storming toward the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"What do you care!" I slammed the door behind me struggling to keep my composure as I ran out of the girls dorms and into the boys. I kept running down the corridor till I got to 408, shoved the key in the lock and burst in slamming the door behind me.

Toby looked up from his laptop startled by the slamming door. I fell back against the door and tried to compose myself.

"Oh hey, are you alright?" He asked.

I'll Always Love A Bad Boy (Sequel To I Fell In love With The Bad Boy)Where stories live. Discover now