Chapter 22 - Dates

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- Jasmine -
Toby was determined not to let me hear that recording Jake had. I don't know he was probably embarrassed or ashamed about it, God knows why.

It seemed like only Jake, Toby and Daniel had heard it. They were keeping it away for us girls.

"Jasmine, why does Ammon Hennacy think that laws are no use." the teacher asked me.

I broke away from my thoughts wondering where we were up to. "Ah well he..." I stared down at my book hoping the answer would be there. "Yes. He actually said quote 'Oh judge your damn laws: the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them so what good are they'" I said relieved that I pulled that off.

"You seemed as though you weren't paying attention, but I was wrong." the teacher said to me before going back to teaching the class.

I usually loved legal studies class but the teacher was right I was distracted, I couldn't keep my mind on the task at hand.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was Toby. 'Hey J, if you're not busy tonight I want to take you to this great restaurant across town.'

Nah there was no way I was missing a night out with him. My English paper would have to wait because I needed to talk to him and catch up.

'Wouldn't miss it for the world, what time should I be ready?' I texted back.

'Cool. Oh and wear something nice, but I know that won't be hard for you because you look nice in everything.' He sent back.

I felt my face get hot, I was blushing. I looked up and Kirsty was smirking at me from across the classroom.

My phone buzzed again, 'Haha you look like a tomato.' Kirsty'd sent.

'Shut up.' I sent back. The bell rang and I packed up my stuff and left trying to lose Kirsty in the crowd.

"So hey, What are you blushing at?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What do you care?" I said laughing.

"It's him isn't it? Toby." she said knowingly.

"So what if it is?"

"Come on show me." She took my phone from me. Read for a moment and then started blushing.

"I'm my god this isn't even to me and I'm blushing." she laughed.

"Sweet isn't it."

"Yeah, Jake says things like that to me sometimes." Her eyes lit up at the thought of it, "Don't look now it's Corey."

As Corey approached us, Kirsty said just loud enough for him and me to hear, "I'll see us later Jazz." and disappeared into the crowd

Great way to ditch me with Corey. We stood in the middle of the hallway in silence. The crowd flowing around us.

"You chose him didn't you." Corey said his voice low.

"I don't have to answer that."

"I could tell. When we came to his dorm last night, you were all over him."

"Well you didn't have to come in and suggest that things were happening when they weren't." I said dryly, "I'm late for class," I walked past him and didn't turn back.

- Corey -
Part of me wanted to blame Wes for everything that had happened between me and Jasmine. But that would be wrong because I kissed Gemma, Wes didn't force me.

Even if she didn't choose me I wanted to come out of this as a halfway decent guy. What her and Toby had was something special and I wasn't about to ruin that.

I watched her walking through the courtyard toward Toby, a smile broke across her features and he hugged her.
She was blushing and fiddling with her hair. That was something she used to do when we were getting to know each other. Toby said something to her and she stared at the ground her cheeks bright red.

They turned and walked away his arm around her shoulders. I looked around and saw Wes, he was looking like he was about to do something bad.

Jake walked up to me, "Toby's going to court tomorrow, are you coming?"

"I'm going for Jasmine."

"I have to go I'm a witness and I have the evidence. Plus I want to go for Jasmine."

"Do you think we'll pull this off?" I asked curiously.

"I reckon we could. He is innocent."

I digested his statement and wondered what would happen if Toby didn't get out of it. A spark of joy shot through me for seconds before I scolded myself for even thinking it.

"Look Corey I know it bothers you that she's with him, but if she's happy then you should be too." Jake interrupted my thoughts.

"I don't deserve her."

"You're trying to make amends though."

"Still don't deserve her."

"I gotta go or I'll be late for class, see you round." he walked away slowly.

"Yeah I'll met you later." I called after him.

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