Chapter 17 - I Can't Believe We're Doing This

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- Jasmine -
Daniel and I waited under the clock tower for Corey. Neither of us had said a word for at least fifteen minutes, I guessed Daniel was trying to prepare himself for what Corey had in mind.

Corey walked up to us, "You guys ready?"

"It's hard to be ready when you have no idea what you about to do." Daniel said, "But I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Jazz?" Corey asked.

"Ready." I answered.

Corey lead us across the oval and I started to get an idea of what his plan was. My heart started thudding loudly, I was panicking. It all made sense now.

"How much did she offer you?" Corey growled at Wes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Wes sneered.

"Just admit it, you're pissed Wes." Corey didn't even look on his guard.

"You're cruisin' for a brusin' Anderson. You want to get your ass kicked in front of your ex and your new boyfriend."

Corey lost it and lunged at Wes. Wes's gang came at Daniel and I, I forced myself to stay right where I was and not look afraid. Daniel pushed me behind him and punched the first guy but there were so many of them coming at us. Oh my god now they had knives.

I was so distracted by fear that I didn't notice one of them coming up behind me. That was until an arm wrapped around my neck and I felt the cold blade against it.

"Hold it Anderson," Wes yelled, "Why don't you take a look at the poor girl." Corey turned to me, a tear slipped out and down my cheek.

Wes laughed and elbowed Corey in the jaw, his mouth was bleeding but that didn't matter to him. He was watching me.

"Do you surrender?" Wes sneered.

"Surrender." Corey said through clenched teeth.

"No Corey finish him, he's bluffing." I said and he brought his eyes up to meet mine.

"Jasmine they don't fool around." Corey sighed.

Wes nodded in my direction and the knife was taken away from my neck. I jammed an elbow behind me into his ribs, Corey punched Wes square in the nose and Daniel continued to punch and kick anyone who went near him.

Corey turned around and started running toward me. "Run!" he yelled and I turned and bolted in the same direction as him and Daniel.

"Their gaining on us." Daniel panted.

"Run like your life depends on it." Corey panted back.

My legs were burning and my feet were protesting, both Daniel and Corey had longer legs than me.

"Jasmine find somewhere to hide." Corey instructed. "Daniel and I will try and lose them."

I ran into the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I put my feet up on the seat and crouched over the toilet so if they came in they wouldn't be able to see me. It was quiet, too quiet. I heard the door creak as someone entered.

I held my breath. I could hear slow footsteps and bit my lip.

"Jazz?" Corey's voice came.

I jumped of the toilet and unlocked the door. I threw my arms around him without even thinking, but quickly pulled away.

"Wait, you can't be in here. This is the girl's bathroom out, now." I pointed at the door.

He obeyed, walking out the door. I followed Daniel was waiting outside with his arms folded.

"We can't stay here, they'll find us. We'll go to the library, they won't go in there." Corey started walking in the direction of the library.

"What was the point of that? We o my punches some guys and it turned out they had knives." Daniel asked as we walked.

"I got what I needed to know that's why Wes lost it." Corey said over his shoulder.

"And what exactly did you need?" I pushed.

"I found out what Wes had over Toby."

"You got all of that out of a few punches," Daniel whistled, "Wow. You are good."

"Well what does he have over Toby?" I asked as we climbed the library stairs.

"He found out Toby left his stepmother and she had no idea where he was. And when the orphanage people come round to check on him and find out he's not there, she doesn't get any money. So Wes went to her with information and she payed him for it."

Daniel whistled again in appreciation, "Where's the part where we save Toby?" I asked.

"Whether Toby's a minor or not, he's still entitled to go away to college with out telling his stepmother exactly where he's going. She payed someone to tell her where he was, which is spying." Corey smirked looking proud of himself.

"You worked that out all on your own?" I asked.

"Yep." he said staring over my shoulder. "Maybe we didn't lose them."

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Wes and his gang sprinting at us. "Now might be the opportune moment to run."

"I think you might be right." Daniel said and chased after me. "I have no idea where I'm going."

"Just follow me." I called behind. Corey was gone, he must have gone back another way.

I bolted into the the girls dorms with Daniel hit on my heels. It was no surprise that Wes followed us in, I got to my dorm and fumbled with the key.

"Shit." I cursed, I was shaking so much that I couldn't get the key in and Wes was almost at us. Daniel snagged the key, unlocked the door first go and dragged me through slamming it behind us just in time.

Wes pounded on the door, "I'll get you. you can't hide forever." his footsteps retreated.

Daniel and I were puffing and laughing at the same time, "You should have seen his face! He though he had us." I laughed.

"And then we just got in here in time." he laughed, "You were so good." he hugged me.

He hugged me... He wore the same cologne as Toby... He had the same body shape and the same comforting arms...

I pulled away. "I'm sorry Jasmine. I shouldn't have. It was out of line."

"No, I just... Can ask you something?"

"Yeah. You can trust me."

"What if, your boyfriend cheated on you and you met someone else - Toby to be exact - but then your boyfriend wanted you back. And you still love him but you're also in love with Toby, but your boyfriend swears he won't rest till he gets you back."

"That's complicated. But if it was me I'd give him plenty of challenges to prove himself and then decide."

"And I also have this problem of guys hugging me."

He scratched the back of his neck, "My bad."

"Yours was just a friendly hug though. But I have this strange connection with Toby, different to the one I have with my ex boyfriend."

"Who is your ex, if you don't mind me asking."

"Corey." I said glumly.

"Oh. That's awkward."


"Look Jasmine, I know you'll make the right decision. You're just that kind of girl. I haven't known you that long, but I've know you long enough to figure that you'll do what's right."

"Really? Thanks Daniel."

"Your welcome. You know I'm glad you answered Toby's phone the other day otherwise I never would have met you. And I would have missed out on an amazing person."

I could only smile.

I'll Always Love A Bad Boy (Sequel To I Fell In love With The Bad Boy)Where stories live. Discover now