They Are Afraid Of The Dark (Ashton and Luke)

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Rating : No smut

Ashton :

Okay so I think Ashton would literally do everything to avoid the situation… He’d always find excuses to not stay the night and you wouldn’t think much of it at first but then you’d start to find it weird and suspicious so you’d ask him every day just to see what he would say and each time he’d get really uncomfortable like he’d look at the ground or something… And then one day you’d have had enough so you’d try one last thing and as you were both watching a movie on your couch, you’d circle your arms around his torso and hold him tight and you’d bury your face into his neck and you’d whisper “You’re staying tonight; I’m not letting you go” and you’d physically feel him tense in your arms so you’d look up and furrow your eyebrows and he’d go like “I’d love to, baby but you see thing is I have to-” but you wouldn’t want to hear it so you’d angrily stand up and cross your arms over your chest before giving him a hard look and saying “okay that’s it Ashton! Are you married or something because it surely looks like you’re hiding something and like there’s someone you really have to go home to every night and I sure as hell don’t want to ruin a relationship so you might as well just forget about me!” and his eyes would have grown wide while you were talking and he’d stand up and shakily take your hand and cup your face as tears would start to appear in your eyes and he’d answer with a weak voice and he’d be like “how could you ever thing something like that? I just… I always refuse to stay the night because I’m scared of the dark and that isn’t really manly of me…” and you could tell he was embarrassed but you’d be so relieved you wouldn’t answer and just pull him to your room and you’d show him a little night light on the corner of the room and you’d hug him and say “I don’t sleep in the dark either … And I still get scared at times but if I have you to cuddle I’m sure I’m gonna be okay” and he’d smile and kiss you really hard and it’d get heated and for the first time you’d wake up with him by your side how amazing ???

Luke :

Now Luke… He’d be really, really awkward about it. He’d be totally torn between wanting to spend the night with you, and not embarrassing himself with that fear of the dark. So he’d refuse a few times but the disappointed look on your face would kill him so one day he’d finally agree and the whole evening he’d be biting his nails and taping his right foot on the floor and just moving all around and you’d find it really weird but you wouldn’t ask anything. Then you’d both go to bed (no sex of course; you’d have a rubik’s cube competition) and you’d try to just ignore the fact that you were scared as hell and you’d want to cuddle him to make it go away but he would be like as far away from you as he could and every now and then you’d feel him move really suddenly so you’d turn to him try to find him in the dark and then you’d be like “are you alright, Luke?” and you’d hear him turn to you and he’d try to play it cool like “yeah yeah” but then he’d jump at something and you’d reach and grab his hand and it would be all shaky so he’d let out a big sigh and finally confess that he’s just afraid of the dark and you’d smile even though he couldn’t see you and you’d stand up and go turn up a little light before coming back to bed with a huge grin on your face and you’d rest your head on his chest as he’d wrap his arms around you and you’d whisper “me too” before kissing him and then you’d both fall asleep in each other’s arms and then get married and you’d have a perfect life with that giant dork !

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