You Got Me Feeling Like A Child Now

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(A/N: if u don't like Cake hemmings then don't read this one :) ~Mariah Horan/Irwin)





Luke was in his bunk, listening to the Foo Fighters and scrolling through his twitter feed. He was trying to get some sleep before we played at tonight’s venue but with Ashton, Michael and I playing video games and practically screaming at each other, it was kind of difficult. That’s when it happened.

Michael was lost in the game, totally zoning, and seeing as how I had just been killed yet again I figured I was fucking done with this game, and needed food.


I was searching through the little kitchenette, hoping to find actual food, but to my dismay, looking in the fridge for an extra long amount of time will not make food magically appear. We can all dream though. But as it turns out, eating fast food and complete crap day in and day out, isn’t the best thing for you. Whad’ya know?

Nachos, I thought. Nachos sound fucking good right now.

And then I was on my mission of nacho making, able to hear Ashton and Michael laughing and talking over the sound of explosions echoing through the bus from their video game. How Luke was sleeping through all of that shit, was beyond me.

I had just finished grading the cheese when I was thrown forward, onto the counter, the plate of chips and cheese being spilled all over the floor.

And I would have been mad, had I not been immediately thrown back against the fridge, then to the ground. I heard a lot of noise, the sound of Ashton and Michael’s game had gone quiet replaced with the sound of their worried voices, things crashing into each other and breaking.

“Is everyone okay?!” I heard our manager call, immediately followed by a few ‘yes’s and ‘I think so’s from the band and crew.

“What the fuck happe-” I started, only to be cut off by my best friend’s voice.


And yeah, that was scary.

I quickly pulled myself to my feet, a little dizzy -not to mention my hip hurt from where I knocked it against the counter, but other than that, I seemed to be fine.

Apparently our new driver wasn’t very good at his job. This, this right here, is exactly the reason I hated getting new people to join our crew. Although, seeing as how our usual driver was at home, grieving over a family members’ passing, I couldn’t really blame him for taking the time off.

Still, we should have checked this guy out a little more, now that we slid across the icy highway, hitting a city bus. To my knowledge, everyone on their bus seemed to be not that badly injured.

“Luke?!” I asked before pulling the sheet to his bunk open, seeing him laying there, blue eyes  blown wide in fear…? Or maybe shock, I couldn’t tell.

“W-what the fuck happened?” He asked, reaching for me.

I grabbed his arm, pulling him into a sitting position and bringing him towards the light; trying to see if he was hurt.

“We crashed into a bus,” I explained, clicking the light to the hallway on. “C’mere.”

He swung his legs over the edge of his bunk, sitting next to me. “Is everyone okay?”

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