"Bring Her Back or Take Me with Her" - Michael Clifford Imagine

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This imagine reminded me of A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil so it’ll have that kind of scheme to it. Enjoy! :)
Btw sorry that this video was a cover of the song but it was the one version on YouTube that I could get.

"Michael, don’t start with me. Please, it’s late" you said calmly, rubbing your aching temples. He had just gotten home, a long night out for numerous days in a row. "Y/N, it’s only for a few days" he pleaded for you to leave with him to go to Europe. "You know I can’t! I’ve got my job too!" you yelled. "You don’t need a job, I make enough money for the both of us and more!" he yelled back. "That’s great, but what if we don’t last…" you said under your breath. "What was that?" Michael asked. "Nothing" you said softly, beginning to walk away from him. "No! What did you say?" he inquired, beginning to get even more frustrated with you. "Well, Michael, all of that money is your money. So, if we were to break up, you’d still have all of your money. I’d have nothing” you said rather calmly, but inside you were fuming. “Fine, since you think our relationship is going to fail, then get out” he said, brushing past you and walking towards the stairs. “What?” you asked. “Get out! I don’t want you here! This is my house! Go fend for yourself with your money!” he yelled nearly at the top of the steps now, his back towards you. You don’t need him you thought. You made your way to the door and took your keys, if he wanted you to leave then fine. It was all a blur suddenly, reckless driving with no where to go. Driving too fast down the highway and suddenly you saw lights coming towards you. It was all happening too fast for you to do anything. You screamed, shattering glass and metal flying around you. The airbag hitting your face and the seatbelt stopping you from lurching forward was the last thing you felt. “I don’t want you here” is the last thing you remembered, Michael’s shaking voice echoing in your ears.

*Michael’s POV*

The ringing of the phone made him jump, he prayed it was you. When he didn’t recognize the number he answered with a sigh, “Hello?”. “Is this Michael Clifford?” the unfamiliar voice answered. “Um, yes. Who is this?” he asked. “Michael, Y/N Y/L/N has been in a car accident. You were listed as her emergency contact” the voice delivered the tragic news. Michael began to feel dizzy, his hands going numb as he nearly dropped the phone on the ground. After he got the information for the hospital he raced to the emergency room. Tears soaking his face, sobs mixed with screams left his mouth as his mind raced to what happened. “Where is she?” were the first words out of his mouth as he entered the bright hospital. “Sir, how may I help you?” the woman behind the desk. “Where is she?!” he screamed, looking manic. “Sir, please calm down. Who are you looking for?” the woman asked. “Y/N Y/L/N” he said, attempting to wipe the tears from his reddened face. After some typing the woman replied “I’m sorry, Sir. She can’t be visited right now. Would you like to speak to her doctor?”. “What do you mean she can’t be visited? I have to see her right now. She’s my girlfriend, I need to see her” he yelled, his voice echoing in the nearly empty waiting room. “I’ll bring her doctor down. Please have a seat, Sir” the woman said finally, beginning to dial the number in to the phone. Michael sat with his head in his hands, feeling like the entire world was crashing down on top of him. Around 4 am he’d gotten the news that you were in a coma and in critical condition. You’d been hit by a drunk driver on the high way.”When can I see her?” Michael kept asking. “I’m not leaving until I see her” he said.

After numerous hours of waiting, Michael was finally allowed in. You laid still on your bed, eyes closed, tubes running in and out of you. “Y/N” Michael whispered as he stood, taking the sight of you in. He stood beside you, lightly stroking your face with is finger. Your skin was warm, but bruises and scratches covered your face. “You’re gonna be okay” Michael said with tears in his eyes. “You’re gonna be okay. I don’t care, we’re gonna travel the world together. I’m never letting you go” his hands shook as he ran his hand over your arm. Days passed and your eyes still remained closed. Michael was there every day, visiting at whatever time possible. “When is she gonna wake up?” he asked the doctor. “I’m not sure. I’m very sorry” the doctor replied. Michael sat next to your bed. He was cursing himself, the other driver, even God. “Give her back or take me with her!” he cursed. Despite what he was feeling, he began to say a prayer. He asked for God to bring you out of your coma. “She’s mine. You stay away from her, it’s not her time” he prayed. He thought of everything you two still had to do together. He wanted to marry you, have kids, tour the world. Suddenly beeping noises started going off. Michael opened his eyes to make contact with yours. Nurses rushed in, removing your breathing tube and rushing Michael out of the room.

*Your POV*

When you opened your eyes Michael was sitting next to you. What was going on? It was bright outside. How long had you been asleep? Doctors rushed in and Michael was whisked away. You began to cry, he was the person you wanted to see most. You didn’t want medical tests being done, you wanted to see him. Finally, you got to see Michael. He rushed in, placing a kiss to your forehead. “Michael, I’m so sorry-” you cried. “No, no, baby, this is all my fault” he cut you off. “I want to go on tour with you. Not just this one, all of them. We’ll travel together, and when we have kids we’ll travel as a family” you said. “I love you so much” he replied. “I love you too” you smiled. “How do you feel?” he asked. “I’m tired, my head kinda hurts” you frowned. “Just rest, I’m not going anywhere” he said, holding your hand reassuringly.

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