Speeding Tickets (Luke Hemmings)

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The lazy hum of the barely working A/C was driving me mad. It kept sputtering and releasing hot spurts of air, only adding to the frustration that had been building up all damn day. Of course the A/C has to stop working when it’s hot as fuck outside.

Today was just not my day. First I had to work double shifts, then I had to stay late to cover for some asshole who decides not to show up, and then the A/C in my shit excuse for a car decides to break down on the hottest night of the God damn year! Just peachy! All I needed was to get a ticket and the day would be great!

The highway was practically empty, a few cars could be spotted in the distance but otherwise, I was the only other car. I was desperate. I wanted to get home as fast as possible. I was hungry, hot and tired. My bath tub and my array of bath salts and bombs, my soft, cozy bed and my fridge full of food were practically calling me, taunting me as I sat frying in my sauna of a car at 2 o’clock in the bloody morning.

I was never one to disobey the law, but at this point, I didn’t really care. All I wanted to do was get home, kick off my heels and relax. My common sense seemed to have dissipated as the day droned on, so here I was with my foot pressing down on the gas pedal harder than I had ever before. And of course, the one day I decide to break the law, is the one time I get caught.

Red and blue lights go off in my rear view mirror and I grudgingly pull over to the side of the road, mentally cursing myself for not noticing the police cruiser. It parks behind me. An officer swings the door open, steps out and walks towards my car. “Going a bit fast there, aren’t we young lady?” My gaze falls on the officer outside of my window and I can feel the air leaving my lungs. He was gorgeous. He had blonde hair that was concealed by his cap and broad shoulders and legs that seemed to go on forever. Little bits of stubble could be seen against the moonlight and a shiny lip ring adorned his lips. He was far more attractive than any officer I had ever seen and if I thought I had no common sense a few minutes ago, I certainly had none now.

"Ma’am?" He says and I jump in my seat. I inhale deeply and make eye contact with the police man. It takes every ounce of my willpower to not fall into a daze whilst staring into his deep blue eyes.

"You were speeding." He repeats.

"Yeah." I mutter sheepishly, not knowing how to get myself out of this one. When I said that I needed a ticket to make this day great, I definitely didn’t mean it literally.

"I’m going to have to write you up, you know that, right?" I nod my head lazily, not knowing what to say or do in my current situation.

"Ma’am have you been drinking?"

"What? No."

"You seem a bit hazy. I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the car."

"Hazy? Maybe that’s because it’s 2 in the fucking morning and I just want to be in my fucking bed." I grumble, undoing my seat belt and stepping out of my car.

The warm breeze drags against my damp skin and I sigh, slightly thankful for being able to exit that oven. I notice his eyes quickly dashing up and down my body, eliciting a smirk to form on my lips. He brings the breathalyzer to my lips and I breathe into the contraption.

"Well, you’re sober, but you still seem a bit out of it."

"I’m tired." I snap, getting annoyed with having to spend more time on the road than I have too.

"Would you like a ride to your home?"

"No. Can I just have my ticket so I can leave, Officer…" I take a quick peak at his name tag. "Hemmings."

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