stay quiet- muke

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stay quiet // muke smut


"what...what are you doing michael?"

after finally getting his pants off he says, "gonna put that annoying mouth of yours to good use."

that's when luke goes quiet. honestly he just can't refuse. he may or may not have dreams about things like this. with michael too.

(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

michael sighed. he was in the most nasty mood and him being at a sleepover with ashton and calum was making it worse.

and oh did he mention the kid he completely dispises is here?

yea. luke. luke fucking hemmings.

michael knew he should've made up an excuse not to come but of course ashton with his perky attitude somehow convinced him that this would all be a good idea.

they were all currently (attempting) to watch a movie in the living room since ashton's parents were gone for the weekend at some relatives house or whatever.

michael couldn't fucking focus. all luke was doing was laughing. his fucking annoying ass giggle echos throughout the entire room and michael hates it.

he just can't keep his thoughts to himself at the moment.

"luke do you ever shut the fuck up?! it's not even that funny!" michael yells, his voice booming through the room.

calum and ashton both sigh, looking at each other and then back at michael and luke.

luke's smile quickly turns into a frown, "i-i was just-"

"god you are so fucking annoying! i hate you i completely hate you," mikey says through his gritted teeth.

after that ashton knew he couldn't let this continue. it was two in the morning for christ's sake.

"um...lads? how about we all go sleep? it's pretty damn late and i don't know how much longer i can stand your bickering," ashton muttered the last part as he turned
off the tv.

michael sighs deeply, "yea alright but i'm not sleeping in your room ashton. all you and cal do is fucking giggle and mumble all night. not in the mood. just
wanna sleep. got it?"

"yea...s-same" luke says barely above a whisper which makes michael roll his eyes.

"well you can't fucking sleep in the other room with me. no. no way. not happening."

"michael just let the boy sleep in the room with you! you know me and ash aren't gonna shut up for anything," calum chuckled and stood up to stretch.

finally michael just didn't feel like arguing anymore.

"alright. whatever. but lucas if you even dare to keep me awake-"

"i won't! let's just go!" the youngest boy sighs and scurries upstairs into the spare guest bedroom. michael follows him in soon after.

did he mention that they has to share the damn bed? yea share a bed. michael was just thankful it was queen sized instead of a small twin sized bed.

about thirty minutes have passed and michael was currently facing away from luke of course. but he can't fall asleep. why? because luke is on his fucking phone
and michael could see the brightness of it.

"shut off your goddamn phone and sleep," he knows he sounds like a whiny bitch but he could care less because it was luke he was talking to.

the blue-eyed boy giggles quietly with a smirk, "no thank you mikey."

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