BabySitter ~ Luke Hemmings

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Luke Smut ~

Honestly the whole situation was absolute bullshit. The fact that your parents hired a babysitter to watch you and your little brother for the night. At 17 there was no reason why you couldn’t watch you’re 6 year old brother alone. Well, maybe there was a reason or two but still, the fact the babysitter was more for you was the issue. Ya see the last time you were told to watch your brother - once he fell asleep you snuck out and got caught.

So the last few times your parents had dinner plans or something like that they got a babysitter. More for you to make sure you don’t break the rules. But you couldn’t complain about the sitter. His name was Luke. He’s a tall, blonde haired blue eyed piece of gorgeousness and that’s all there was to it. So instead of complaining you took it as an opportunity to hang out with a hot guy that was your age.

You had to admit you had fantasized about having sex with him. The way he fiddles his lip ring between his lips. His laugh that he would use at moments when it really wasn’t really needed. You were extremely attracted to him but knew nothing would ever happen.

"Have fun tonight we’ll be home late." You’re mom smiled walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah i’m gonna go crazy. Sitting home watching Netflix all night…" You rolled your eyes.

"Behave." She ordered. The door bell rang so you jumped up answering it, as it was Luke.

"Hey," Luke smiled.

"Hi." You smiled. Giving him a hug you caught a whiff of his cologne. Loving the smell but you knew you had to let go.

"LUKE!" Your little brother yelled pushing passed you to get to him, jumping onto his leg.

"Hey buddy." Luke smiled.

"[Y/LB/N] be good, [Y/N]." She just looked at you. Rolling your eyes you walked off into the living room plopping down on the couch.

Your little brother came running into the living room soon after you but you never heard the front door close. You could hear talking so getting up you walked over to the opening of the living room that led to the foyer and listened carefully.

"He should go to bed soon he had a party today so he’ll probably pass out early. And hopefully [Y/N] won’t give you any hard times." Your mom said to Luke. The blood boiling through your body. Your not the worst kid ever, you did one bad thing and they label you for life!

"Not a problem Mrs. [Y/L/N]. And she’s never a problem, she’s actually a really good girl." Luke said. His use of words shocking you. A really ‘good girl.’? What did he mean?

Cautiously you made your way back to the couch so you wouldn’t get caught. Your little brother jumping up and down like a lunatic from his sugar high. Luke soon joined you guys in the living room. [Y/LB/N] running over to Luke.

"Hey bud can you do me a favor?" Luke asked your brother.

"What?" Your brother asked. He looked up to Luke and honestly it was cute.

"Can you go take a shower for me and then we’ll have some chicken nuggets for dinner when you come out?" He asked.

"Okay i can do that!" Your brother darted up stairs to go shower as you and Luke laughed softly at him.

"Hello [Y/N]." Luke smirked.

"Hello Lucas." You smirked back.

"I told you not to call me that." He laughed. Sitting next to you, he caused you to blush a bit.

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