Backstage ~ Ashton Irwin

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Laying with your head hanging off the end of the bed, you watched tv upside down. You had been feeling pretty homesick lately so you would stay back at the hotel while the boys did their show. Some nights you would go out and eat alone and meet the boys back wherever you were staying but mostly you stayed in. You had just gotten off the phone with your best friend from back. Sighing as you flipped through the channels your phone started ringing again. Picking it up you saw it was your boyfriend, Ashton who should be going on stage any minute.

"Hello?" You asked with a smile on your face but a bit confused.

"Can you tell me the meaning of this?" Ashton asked angry but also upset. He said it in a way that he had something in his hand waving it around but you clearly couldn't see it.

"The meaning of what Ash? I'm not with you i-" He didn't let you finish.

"Exactly." He huffed.

"Ashton what are you talking about?" You sat up.

"These rumors and pictures of you out with another guy while we're at our shows. About you cheating on me."

You thought about it. A few days ago you had went out to a place that had a bar and some dude started taking to you but it meant nothing and nothing happened. But being Ashton's girlfriend apparently the paparazzi watched everything you did too.

"Ash i've never cheated on you. And i don't even know what pictures you're talking about." You explained.

"Check your phone i sent you it." He grumbled.

Checking your phone, sure enough it was that night. Ashton's tone was starting to sound sadder and sadder rather than angry. Putting the phone back to your ear you started to explain to him what actually happened.

"I went out to eat at this place a few nights ago where there was a bar. This guy started talking to me and he sat with me while i ate and then i left. No harm done. It wasn't a date we never kissed or anything like that. I told him i had a boyfriend i swear to you nothing happened."

"You promise?"

"Ashton if i didn't love you, i wouldn't be on tour with you guys. Yes i promise."

You heard someone yelling in the background and then Ashton mumble something.

"Okay," He sounded sad but not mad. "I'll see you when we get back i gotta go. Bye."

"Love you Ash." You sighed as he didn't say it back and hung up.

You knew he was upset. Now feeling bad that he was going to be sad during the show you got up and got dressed. You made your way out to a taxi and got to the venue they were playing at.

Having a special pass you easily got into the venue. As you were walking in they were just ending a song. Following all the tweets from twitter it was only the second song. No one knew that you had showed up to the show. So before making your way backstage you stayed in the audience.

"Ash you seem a little under the weather mate." Luke spoke into the microphone.

"It's just, it's nothing i'm fine guys." Ashton said. "Who's ready to rock?" He yelled playing a little beat. All of the fans screamed.

"No no no, hold up." Michael said.

"Come on Ashton share. We have a whole audience who cares about you what's wrong." Calum spoke up.

"It's just that i saw pictures of [Y/N] out and there was this guy by her and i got jealous. She told me nothing happened... I freaked out on her and said i didn't believe her. I just hope she knows i'm not really mad anymore i was just being over protective. I do believe her." Ashton said. All the girls awed and that's when you spoke up. The crowd hushed when they realized it was you and you were in the audience.

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