Back Of The Bus ~ Michael Clifford

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Michael Smut ~

Closing your locker you smoothed out your skirt - you hated the damn thing but had no choice but to wear it. You couldn’t really complain though you only ever had to wear them for a little bit - during a school day anyway. Your parents thought your were this perfect little school girl, great grades, dressed all frilly like but in reality it was the opposite. They assumed you stayed after to help tutor kids when in reality - you were the one getting tutored.

It’s not like you liked hiding your true self from your parents but it was the only way to try and live up to your perfect older sister who they expected you to be so much like. So everyday you would dress in some girly outfit - a skirt with a nice shirt or a dress - something along those lines and packed what you truly wanted to wear. When upon arriving at school you would go in the bathroom; changing into jeans or leggings along with a t-shirt or if it was cold a sweater or sweatshirt. Then before you left, whether it was on the regular bus home or the late bus after tutoring you would change back into your girl-ier outfit.

There was this kid that was always at the tutor center too. He was on the same bus as you and lived on the far side of town, just like you, but yet you never talked. You knew his name, Michael Clifford. He was pretty quiet and kept to himself, didn’t have a lot of friends. You thought he was cute and that Michael seemed nice but you were to afraid to ever start a conversation because you would always catch him staring. But now as you wasted time lost in your thoughts you almost missed the bus.

Darting out the double school doors you ran for the bus. Getting on just in time before the driver closed the door. Looking around, scanning for a seat, you discovered everywhere was full. You sighed pushing your way down the isle, tripping over backpacks and extended feet from the extremely full seats. Finding yourself at the back of the bus, you sighed thinking you might have to sit in the fire escape, in a skirt… But just as you were about to give up a voice spoke up.

"You can sit here if you want." The voice sounded vaguely familiar but you couldn’t place it. So turning to your left you saw the boy with colorful hair from your tutor group, Michael. He moved his backpack to give you a spot to sit. Smiling softly you thanked him dropping down into the seat as your full arms were extended with your books, so your things where squished between you and the back of the seat in front of you. "Here let me help you." He smiled.

Taking the books off your lap he placed them on the floor between the two of you giving more space for you to sit.

"Thanks," You mumbled shyly.

"Michael." He said as if he thought you didn’t know.

"[Y/N]." You nodded smiling as you put your headphones in.

One by one kids trickled off the bus. There was no other conversation with Michael other than what there had been when you got on. Sighing, you fiddled with the bottom of your skirt cursing under your breath about how much you hated it. Assuming no one could hear you you were startled when Michael tapped on your shoulder stealing your attention. Removing your headphones you just looked at him waiting for him to talk considering he tapped your shoulder.

"Why do you change all the time?" He asked.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Why do you come to school in like this," He pointed to your outfit. "Then change into something different and change back into this. If you hate it why do you do it?"

"Because my parents." You grumbled fiddling with the hem of your skirt once more. "They want me to be like my older sister… I hate it."

"Well i think you look nice." He smiled softly. "I mean what you wear during school is my more taste. But this is nice." He chuckled.

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