One-shot: Upstate

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I packed my luggage and loaded it into my aunt's car. I greeted my friend as she got dropped off by her brother; he waved us both off,  car shining under sun galore. He winked upon his exit, I rolled my eyes. She laughed, I knew completed the trip stood. My dad came outside with our dog and wished us farewell for the week. He greeted and goodbye-d my friend, as we got her belongings into the car. I volunteered to sit in the middle, since my younger brother was taller than both of us and I didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

That would be my biggest mistake, after it all.

We stopped for ice cream and sat as we ate, wind blowing before us. I could feel her gaze on me, so I turned.

"Why are you looking at me?"

She continued her admirable stare, "Oh, just thinking. Also your hair looks nice."

I wondered what she was thinking about.

I kinda already knew.

I replied, "Oh thanks, heh. I've been using minimal hairspray and I take vitamins for growth; it works absolute wonders."

"I see," she said warmly, "I see."

We got back in the car snd continued to the small town in which my aunt resides. She brushed my arm as she shifted  to take in the scenery.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"It's alright," I reassured her quickly, "Want the other earbud?" She nodded happily. I gave her the left one whilst I had the right as we made small talk with the others. My brother glanced at us, then back at his window with his earbuds.

Before we knew it, we were northbound, reaching the waters near the small town's residence. I looked to my grandfather's old and  worn cabin above, knowing it was the first true sign we arrived. After we crossed the river and traveled the bypass, we went up a winding path and reached my aunt's beautiful and intricate house.

Big, gorgeous meadow accompanied by the barn, etc.

I missed it lots, and was glad to share it with her.

I smiled, "Here we are."

"It's absolutely beautiful!" She beamed.

"Why, thank you!" My aunt replied cheerfully. With that, we excavated our luggage from the car and settled down for the evening. My brother got his own room while we had to share a room- no big deal.

We were friends, after all.

I swiftly unpacked my belongings and checked myself in the mirror. She came over and whispered to me, "You look good and you know it."

I smirked, hugging her sideways, "You bet I know, heh."

Later on in the evening we sat with my aunt and did a puzzle as my brother raged at old Mario Nintendo games from the mid-90s. He was a riot.

All was good until conversation about social issues and Russia regarding Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan emerged. My eyes averted to her, as she seemed to shift uncomfortably during the religious parts.

I didn't care for my discomfort.

Aside from that, all was well, and I showered as she sat with my aunt and brother. She showered after me, and then before we knew it it was time to "hit the hay," as my aunt stated. We said goodnight fo the cats and my aunt, who settled on the basement couch, right outside the guest rooms. Her boyfriend was asleep upstairs after a tiring day full of driving.

We retired to our room, and just sat quietly for a few moments.

She went to her side of the bed and I went to mine; in midst of silence, I checked my phone and shot some texts to my friends, took some pics, etc. When I set my phone down, without hesitation, I inched towards her and snaked my arms around her waist.

"I'm proud of you," I told her, nestling myself in her side. She turned to face me, glassy eyes evident, "I didn't realize it would be this hard."

"Me neither."

"To conceal what's truly here hurts, but... I guess it's ok."

"Hey, we can hold each other every night."

She gave a short nod, "that's right."

"Mhm. And they will never know."

Flashbacks of the day ran through my mind as we spoke.

She wasn't my friend.

She was my lover.

She was looking at my with admiration because our future was on her mind.

Because she loves me.

When she brushed my hand, she ached to hold it and apologized because she didn't want to make anything obvious.

I held her hand anyways, isolated in the back seat. My brother glanced because he knew and saw all, wanting to ensure safety.

Her heart sang alongside our heartfelt anthems when I offered her and earbud. She gripped my hand in secret, harder than ever before, her eyes shining with fear of love.

We were both filled with relief as we discovered we'd be sharing a room.

It was our only way, after all.

She wanted to kiss me and hug me when she complimented my style. I wanted to cuddle her, never let go.

Her discomfort was evident alongside mine because she had dealt with remarks of the sort from her own parents; I'm lucky my father loved me unconditionally.

My discomfort stands irrelevant at the cost of her protection.

We settled in, now here we lay, lovers forever, friends temporarily.

Stiller than marble statues and porcelain dolls of fine china, our hearts are carved out of pure gold.

We lie together as we continue to lie for the others.

Always, upstate.

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