Excerpt: (His) Lament

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absorbed into a light, thrown back into the vision I once had of my grandfather who had died before I was even a thought.

vowed to be my guardian angel.

sure as hell lived up to his words.

But how soon the lights were gone.

straight out of an old film's cut scene, rusty old red pickup truck driving by the wildflowers, talking to me about how excited he was to bring me places

middle of the road on the perfectly paved hillside near his old campground.

right side of the road, he was on the left side, and the yellow paved lines ran right through the middle of the truck.

He turned to me and smiled, speaking words I couldn't quite catch, but at the same time I understood.

How she lived, how she shone

But how soon the lights were gone

taken back to when i first had this vision.

collapsed, my sobs echoing throughout the halls.

gripped my locket, opened the picture to see him.

smiled through my tears then closed it, continuing to grip it as she called out my name.

"I love you," she whispered

She was everything I'd ever dreamed her to be.

I nodded, "I promise."

All must be preserved

"So, the story begins..."

wrapped me in her embrace, the wrath of unconditional love deemed my savior.

Still life displayed forever

"Please don't hurt yourself for this."

"That isn't what he would want."

No less than she deserved.

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