Chapter 1

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Shen Wei startled to see a familiar guy is walking inside the meeting room of her university in that morning. She got an urgent email from the chancellor yesterday night to have a meeting in early today morning. Shen Wei is an archeological lecturer which recommended by her supervisor to help the SID staffs to solve the case regarding the ancient animal and artifacts. She is the best archeological lecturer in this city which loved by all the staffs and students for her genius and special power she has.

Shen Wei is a hermaphrodite girl that living in a guy appearance since middle school when she is frustrated to be a girl with a very small breast. Besides she has both private parts that rarely the peoples have this condition in the world. Since child, Shen Wei felt down to have that special condition but with the courage from her parents and twin brother as well as her other family members, she can accept her own condition but she didn't like to be a girl because she is embarrassing to have a very small breast which peoples will think her as a transgender. 

''Please don't worry, jiejie. One day, there is a guy who can accept you willingly. And I can introduce you with one of those guys. My bestfriend, Zhao Yunlan. You know he likes a guy but he didn't want to be a gay. So, he said he needs someone that can give him what he wants.''

Shen Wei sighs to remember those words again and again. She looks at that guy who is now standing in front of her. Why now? Why is after she lost her younger twin brother in her life about ten years ago? Why is this guy coming to her now? And he looks normal to face her like nothing happened.

''Hi, Prof. Shen! I am chief of SID, Zhao Yunlan. I am sure you already knew about our meeting today, right?'' Zhao Yunlan greeted Shen Wei that stiffened on her stood to look at him without a blink of eyes.

''Err... Yes, I knew it. Since you already knew me, then let's start the meeting now,'' Shen Wei coldly replied and she takes her seat back, ignoring Zhao Yunlan that giving a hand for a handshake.

Zhao Yunlan frowns a little to see this guy is ignoring his hand for a handshake. Unknowingly to him that this guy he thought is actually a hermaphrodite girl. But then he pulls back his hand and he takes a seat. However, he still unsatisfied to see this guy was looking at him without a blink of eyes a moment ago like this guy knows him.

''Prof. Shen, before we start our meeting, may I know if you know me? Did we meet before? You look familiar to me,'' Zhao Yunlan asked made Shen Wei that holding a pen in her hand almost breaking that pen for her mad to hear that ask.

Shen Wei sighs a little but then she shakes her head without telling the detail.

'Is he didn't remember that he met and befriended with my didi about 10 years ago? Can't he notice that my face is same as my didi?' Shen Wei inwardly asked with her swallowing anger inside her heart.

''Alright! I think I saw you before but I am sure I never see a beautiful guy like you before this,'' Zhao Yunlan commented.

This time, Shen Wei can't help to break her pen in front of the others making all of them startled including Zhao Yunlan that thinking of this guy is a weak guy but actually not.

''Prof. Shen, what's happened to break your pen?'' the chancellor asked with worry but Shen Wei didn't have a mad face right now.

''My apologies! I didn't mean anything. Just my mind flew away for my own problem and I unconsciously broke my pen. Sorry to let you see my unconscious did,'' Shen Wei said with her calm face.

''Oh, that's good then! I am afraid you are mad to our chief to call you a beautiful guy in front of the others,'' Lin said with a tease.

Shen Wei just smiles and she looks at one of the SID staffs that smiling to her with a meaning. Zhao Yunlan saw that situation and he feels uneasy to see a smiling face of his staff named Chu Suzhi towards Shen Wei.

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