Chapter 15

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2:00pm, after classes, in Y/n's Home.

'we're very glad that you're back here Joon, Baekhyun and Y/n missed you a lot" my mom laughs while serving us some cookies and juice on the living room table.

"i know right mom! i missed him so much!" i said like a kid, my brother and mom chuckled at my childish attitude.

"4 years felt like forever!" Baekhyun added.

"i know right, hyung, it felt like it" he laughed at him.

since we were kids, my brother and i were very close to Namjoon, my brother's only 2 years older than him, and we like getting along with each other, and our parents knew each other too, and him and my brother were the closer ones, but i was also close with Joon.

have y'all heard the thing "never have 3 group of friends, 2 must be closer, and one is always left out" damn I felt that.

but it's all In the past now, and we treat each other equally.

" so Joon, where are you gonna continue your college years?" my dad asked while we're all in the couch.

"probably here dad, my mom wants me to study here again" he smiled.

"woah, really?" my brother asked, and he nodded.

yey he's gonna be here with us again! then we began to talk about future college life, and we got to the point where my brother started to talk about my depression, and my recent breakup with my boyfriend.

"Y/n, why didn't you tell me about what you're going through? i could've helped you through the texts.." Joon asked in curiousness.

"well, i'm doing better now, thanks to my therapist" i smiled at him, he places a palm on my back and caressed it.

'well, that's good" he replied.

"b-but Y/n, you have a scheduled meeting with Doc. Jin today, am i right?" my brother asked while he checked the time on his watch.

and there i realized that.

y-yes, i have.

"oh shit!" i whispered, Joon gave me a look after i said that.

"i never knew u could swear" he said in a surprised tone.

"well i already do" i smacked him on the arm.

"c'mon Y/n, we have to go, we can't miss the appointment with him" Baekhyun said in a panicked tone, and snatched his phone from the couch.

"can I come with y'all?" Joon asked

we nodded our heads then we went to Baekhyun's car and he drove us there.


"Oh Y/n, you're 15 minutes late, what happened?" Doc Jin laid his eyes on me, and to Joon.

now he looks upset, I feel so had for being late.

"I'm sorry doc, we forgot that she has an appointment with you at this time" Baekhyun used that as an excuse, Doc Jin nodded his head.

"we will go now, but dont worry, we'll come to pick you up again" Baekhyun told me.

"okay, both of you, enjoy!" I said in a happy tone, they nodded their heads then left the empty hospital hallway together.

"Y/n, please proceed to the Therapy Room" Doc Jin said, I followed his orders then went straight to the room.

why is he so upset? is it because I arrived too late? I'm wondering...

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