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It was a Saturday, finally a day off for the entire team. Bruce talked Tony into giving everyone a break since they had all been working so hard. Finally giving in, Nat and Bruce rushed off to spend time together, Vision and Wanda hadn't been back to the compound in the past week or so, and the gods were back in Asgard dealing with issues needing their attention. Clint only came around when Tony needed his assistance, and Peter had college exams to study for. So, it left her, Steve, Bucky, and Sam at the compound when Tony ran off to help Rhodey with whatever he was working on.

Gwen walked into the kitchen around eleven a.m. It was past breakfast, but too early for lunch.

"Jarvis, where are the guys?"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Danvers. They are in the training room."

"Have they eaten anything yet?"

"Not as far as I can tell, Ms. Danvers."

"Please, Jarvis, call me Gwen."

"Yes, Gwen."

Knowing the guys haven't eaten yet today and were training, Gwen decided to throw together a brunch for when they were done, knowing they'd be hungry.

Looking through the refrigerator, she pulled out the ingredients to make omelets. The omelets she'd make Steve and Bucky when they were younger. Warming a skillet, she began mixing her eggs with the few spices she uses to flavor the eggs. Dicing up green peppers, onions, sausage, and ham, she set them aside as she sifted out a bag of shredded cheese.

Cooking the sausage and ham first, she set those on a plate to cool as she began pouring the egg mixture into the pan. Waiting a minute, she began sprinkling in the diced-up ingredients, topping it with cheese. Carefully, she slid the spatula under part of the egg and folded it over. Allowing it to cook a short time before flipping it, she did these two more times, plating each of them as they were cooked.

Placing each of the plates on a baking sheet, she slid the sheet into the oven to keep the omelets warm. Cleaning up her mess, she pulled out a variety of fruits and began slicing them up, placing them into three individual cups. By the time she was done washing all of the dishes, she heard the guys walking down the hallway.

"Mmman it smells good in here." Sam exclaimed as he entered the kitchen.

"Is that sausage?" Steve asked.

Bucky walked in after them and looked around. Noticing Gwen drying her hands, he smiled at her knowingly.

"I know what this is." He claimed proudly.

"You do?" Steve asked confused.

"Gwen's brunch omelets." Bucky looked at Steve shocked that he could forget that.

Steve looked at Bucky in awe, "I didn't even remember this until now."

"That's a good thing, right?" Sam asked. "She's bringing more and more of his memories back."

"It's a very good thing." Steve smiled as he looked between Gwen and Bucky.

Uncomfortable with the turn of events, Gwen turned to the stove and pulled the tray from the oven. Placing a plate down in front of a seat, the boys each took a seat in front of a plate. She grabbed the fruit bowls and placed them next to their plates.

"Sam, do you use any condiments?" Gwen asked as she set salt and pepper down in front of Steve and ketchup down in front of Bucky.

Grabbing forks, she handed them out and waited for Sam's answer.

"No. This looks good as is."

Smiling, she pulled orange juice and milk from the fridge and poured a glass of each. Setting the juice down in front of Bucky and the milk in front of Steve, she glanced at Sam.

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