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The doctor wheeled in another bed and made sure her vitals were stable.

"It sounds as if she was having a severe panic attack." He declared.

"That was some panic attack." Steve stated in shock. He had never seen one so severe.

"Tell me about Peter's condition." Carol approached the doctor.

As the two talked, Carol nodded and placed her hands on Peter. One on his chest, the other on his stomach. Concentrating her focus on her powers, she pushed them into Peter's body. His body illuminated a fiery orange grabbing everyone's attention.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked in awe.

The doctor stood back, he watched Carol in awe as she was transferring powers into Peter. Carol nodded at him, he stepped forward and lifted Peter's shirt. The bruising from the internal bleeding was slowly receding. Completely dumbfounded, the doctor began checking Peter's vitals.

"His breathing has evened out. His heartbeat steadied." He looked up at Carol, "You're healing him." He spoke, astounded.

Ignoring the words around her, Carol continued focusing on Peter. His injuries were much too severe for her to be able to heal him in one go. She didn't know how he was still alive. Feeling her energy draining quickly, she pulled back out of breath.

"What's going on?" Bucky asking, noticing her state.

Carol shook her head, she wanted to do more, but until she regained her strength and energy, she'd have to wait.

"I was able to stop the internal bleeding, but that's it. He's so far gone; I have no idea how he's even alive right now."

"Because he's a fighter." Tony walked into the room. "Sorry, I haven't been here sooner, I was helping Bruce go through the security footage. The base we were at was Hydra." He moved over to Peter, looking him over.

"You did this?" He asked Carol as he took notice of Peter's internal bruising going away.

"I'm sorry I can't do more right now." She leaned against the wall.

"Are you kidding me?" Bucky exclaimed, "His skin looks normal again. If you stopped his internal bleeding, that means he can heal himself, right?" He looked at the doctor.

"According to what I'm seeing, yes. It will still be a long time before he's able to get up and move around, but he should be able to wake within the next day."

Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. He grew to care about the team, the people in it, he grew to love them like family, Peter included. Even though he's sure Peter's the one who holds Gwen's heart, he still has a soft spot for the kid. He knows just how much he cares about Gwen.

Loki appeared with his mother, Frigga, and Wanda. The look of shock on everyone's faces caused Frigga to speak.

"I'm Frigga, Loki's mother." She smiled.

"Don't be humble, mother," Loki spoke to her before addressing the room, "She's the queen of Asgard."

Carol and Steve moved to bow; Frigga stopped them.

"Please, that's not necessary. My son has told me there is a boy here that could use some assistance?"

Pointing to Peter, Loki guided his mother to his bedside.

Bucky, Steve, and Tony watched in shock as Loki was showing a sensitive and raw emotional side never before seen.

"Ms. Maximoff, I am to understand you possess strong magic, as well?" Frigga looked back to Wanda.

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