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A few days of training with Loki and spending her evenings with Steve and Bucky, Gwen was starting to feel she had a little control over the energy coursing throughout her. She still felt overwhelmed, as if she needed to scream and let it all out, but she was learning to handle it.

Today she was scheduled to spar with Peter and Nat outside. Steve and Bucky, just finishing their training, decided to join them to watch.

As the three tossed each other around the entire perimeter of the compound yard, Gwen couldn't help but feel her confidence rising.

"Gwen, why don't we head in for the night?" Steve called out to them.

The three made their way over to Steve and Bucky who greeted everyone with smiles.

"You're doing great, Gwen." Steve complimented her.

Nat agreed as she attempted to take her down one last time.

Gwen dodged her and stalked towards Peter who looked at Gwen wide-eyed.

"H-hey, dol," clearing his throat, he glanced at Bucky who was watching him intently, "Gwen, whatcha doin'? W-why are you looking at me like that?"

Her grin turned into a full-on cackle as she shot her energy from her hands engulfing Peter's entire body. Looking around himself in shock, he looked back to Gwen nervously, "Gwen, what are you doing?"

Making motions to grab towards the energy but raising her hands as her fists closed, Peter began rising from the ground. Foot by foot, he rose until he was floating above them looking down.

"Gwen, look, I trust you and all, but you're still learning this stuff. Could we maybe practice this another time? You know after you've made other non-living objects float first..."

"I already have."

Watching her confidence, Peter relaxed some, but was still nervous.

Nat approached Gwen cautiously, "Hey, why don't we head in. The boys are right, it's getting late."

Gwen shrugged her off, ignoring her as she slowly began moving Peter across the yard. Peter looked to Steve for help, "Cap, please." He pleaded.

Steve and Bucky approached Gwen, she ignored them as well. Her concentration split between Peter and the others; Gwen decided to attempt to make all of them rise. She encased Steve, Bucky, and Nat in a shield, which each immediately tried to get out of.

"Gwen, don't you dare!" Nat yelled.

"Seriously, Gwen?" Steve stated as he braced himself.

Gwen waited for Bucky to argue against her actions, but he stood quietly staring at her with a slight smile pulling at the side of his lips.

Slowly, she began envisioning them rising, they gently lifted off the ground and floated next to Peter.

"You're dead, Danvers." Nat threatened.

Gwen began walking back towards the compound, pushing their bubbles out in front of her. Once she made it close enough, she made the bubbles rise even higher, placing them safely on the roof and freeing them as she walked through the front doors.

Tony was coming down the hall with a plate of food as she turned the corner,

"Hey, brat, how'd training go?"

Bouncing with excitement, she answered, "Very well! I just learned that I could lift more than one thing and make them move!"

"Really? What'd you lift?"

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