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Loud beeping made Tony jump and spin around to face his computer. A screen was up showing a red flashing dot. Rushing over, he looked at it in utter shock.


"Yes, sir?"

"Alert the entire team. We have a hit."

"All of them, sir?"

"Every single one."

"Yes sir."

Within the hour Wanda, Vision, and Peter were sitting in the conference room waiting. Steve and Sam dropped the lead they were following and rushed back to the quinjet. Natasha and Bruce were already headed back to the compound, so when they received the alert from Jarvis, they picked up the speed.

Wanda tried reaching out to her multiple times since they arrived.

"I can't feel her. She's either somewhere they can block her magic, or she isn't fully tapped into it anymore."

Peter decided it was time to ask Tony why Fury hasn't been involved.

"Mr. Stark, is Director Fury not involved in this?"

Tony spun on his heel, "Absolutely not."


"He wanted to be informed if something went wrong. Why do you think that is? So, he can step in, find them, and lock them up in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"But he has the means to find them faster?" Peter didn't understand why they weren't trying everything possible.

"No, kid. Every bit of tech they have, I created. So, I have the means to find her faster. They don't have all of my tech."

Vision watched as Peter's eyes widened in shock, "Carol." Was the only thing he said.

Everyone looked at him wondering what he was talking about.

"Carol Danvers. I bet she can find her. Why didn't I think of that?" He sat down, elbows on the table as his head fell to his hands in shame.

"None of us did, kid. I don't know how to contact her though." Tony began typing furiously on his computer, throwing scans into the air, and pulling up holograms.

"I might be able to if everyone gives me some quiet." Wanda suggested.

Once everyone was sitting around the table, Wanda closed her eyes and concentrated. Red whisps circled her hands and when she opened her eyes, they were glowing red. No one said a word, afraid to break her concentration.

The door to the conference room opened and in walked Natasha and Bruce. Wanda opened her eyes as the glowing faded.

Groaning in frustration at the two, he looked to Wanda, "Anything?"

"No. I'm sorry." She shook her head sadly.

Tony's hands slid through his hair as he leaned back in his seat. He locked his fingers behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I don't know what else to do."

"What are we trying to do?" Nat asked.

"Get ahold of Carol Danvers." Peter answered.

"Has anyone tried calling out to Loki or Thor?" Bruce stepped in.

The look on everyone's faces told him no.

"Alright then. Uh," he glanced around the room awkwardly, "I don't know how to do this, but Thor... Loki... if either of you can hear us. We need you."

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