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"I'm sorry about her, she's a bit extreme sometimes." Peter whispered.

"I heard that, Webs!" Gwen exclaimed gaining a laugh from everyone.

"Gwen, dear,"

Gwen turned towards the team members that were in the room. Frigga approached her with the others watching closely.

"Your Majesty," Gwen bowed in respect, "I need to apologize profusely for my behavior." She didn't miss the huff Loki gave when hearing her words.

"No need, my dear. You were acting on survival instinct, you wanted to protect your friend, no matter the costs." Frigga cupped her hands together and held them in front of her abdomen. "My son tells me how hard it is for you to trust and love others, but when you do, you love with such a passion that you'd give your life unquestioningly to save your loved ones."

Gwen's brows furrowed in confusion as she found Loki. The others stared at him with shock, Gwen looked at him confused. Why would he talk to his mother about any of these people? He hates Earth and the people of it.

"I see the confusion, I'm sorry if I've overstepped, Loki." His mother looks to her son.

Loki averted his eyes, shrugging them off, "It's not an issue, mother. These people keep Midgard safe; we can't have one of their own dying, unable to help protect this retched ball of gas."

Smiling while shaking her head, Frigga addresses Gwen again, "He holds a cold demeanor. He hides that he has a heart, but in reality, he cares a great deal for you and your team members." Raising an eyebrow with an amused look, she added, "Although, I do see how he enjoys tormenting you to the point of you wanting to throttle him. That's his way of showing affection."

"Affection? That's one heck of a way to show someone you care." Gwen laughed. She glanced at Loki; his face slightly pink from his embarrassment. Taking pity on him, she smiled lovingly and looked to the rest of her friends.

Others were drifting into the room after hearing the Queen of Asgard was here. Tony seemed to be starstruck, unable to form words as he stuck his hand out and retracted it just as fast to salute her. Shaking his head at himself for the silly move, he moved to bow but second-guessed himself. Huffing in defeat, he stood quietly.

Gwen chuckled while Frigga sensed the tension in the room.

"Please, there is no need for such formalities. I may be the Queen of Asgard, but here I am just Loki's mother. It is nice to meet you all."

The others took turns introducing themselves, talking about what she helped Carol, Wanda, and Loki do. Gwen took the chance to glance over at Steve and Bucky. Steve seemed to be waiting patiently to talk to her, Bucky seemed to be trying to fold in on himself.

Moving over to them, Steve immediately scooped her up in a hug, "Please tell me you're not leaving again. Tell me you're back to stay. I can't have you popping in here with Loki out of nowhere, freaking out on us, waking up and vanishing again."


"No. Gwen, Buck, and I need you. You may think we can get along without you, but not anymore. The three of us need to be together again. Stay together again."


"And Bucky here, he's been a complete mess since you've been gone. He's trying hard to stay busy, going on missions with us, helping out where he can, but he's lost."

Gwen stopped trying to talk when she heard this. Glancing at Bucky, he shrugged and avoided her eyes. She gripped Steve's hands and looked in his eyes, "I'm staying, Steve. I promise."

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