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"I had a good time tonight, guys. Thanks." Gwen smiled as they all walked through the halls.

Steve nodded with a smile, "I did, too. Let's not wait 80 years to do something like this again." Earning a chuckle from everyone, Steve walked off to the elevator. He did enjoy the evening. He also enjoyed watching the two fall deeper for one another. It was only a matter of time now.

"I'm headed to bed. You two be good and keep it down while everyone's sleeping." Sam joked.

Gwen rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrow mockingly as Bucky just stared at him.

"Good night, Sam." Gwen smiled as Sam walked away.

"Well," Gwen turned to Bucky when the two were alone.

Bucky looked down at the floor while rubbing the back of his neck. Glancing up at her, with a creased brow, the way he looked at her through his lashes made Gwen's heart flutter.

Brushing it off, she tried to think of something to say to distract herself, "Want to watch a movie?"

"Where? Won't having the TV on in the family room wake everyone?"

"Not really, but we could watch one upstairs if you'd be more comfortable. Peter won't mind if I swipe his TV." She suggested. "Or we could go up to yours and Steve's quarters."

"I'd be ok down here, lead the way." Holding his arm out, he gestured for her to lead him to the family room. He'd rather be away from anyone who could take away his alone time with her.

Knowing how close he was to kissing her earlier, he was nervous to sit close to her again. Should he try again? Would she be offended if he didn't? Did their time for it pass them by? His mind was clouded with questions as Gwen grabbed the remote and sat in the middle of the couch.

Swallowing, Bucky sat on the end of the couch next to her. Fidgeting, he worried he was sitting too close to her. He attempted to move, but she leaned close to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Is this ok?" She asked, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable. She missed how she used to be able to just lean against him without a word and he'd readjust to make them comfortable without thinking. They had done this so many times during conversations and movies. It was like an unspoken agreement. She leans, he pulls her in.

Breathing in the scent of her shampoo, Bucky's stomach filled with butterflies.

"Yes, doll." He answered softly, not wanting her to move. He, too, was hoping they could go back to how close they were. Even if it would only ever be friendship.

She selected a movie, sat up, which made Bucky's heart drop, and pulled Sam's jacket off. Putting the remote down and using the jacket to cover her legs, she looked at Bucky for permission to get comfortable again.

Catching on to what she was wanting, Bucky repositioned himself, turning his body slightly towards her and leaning against the arm of the couch. Opening his arms, Gwen smiled as she leaned in against him and he wrapped them around her.

Neither of them watched the movie that played, neither would be able to even tell someone what they watched. The only thing the two focused on was how the other person's arms felt around them.

Halfway into the movie, Gwen shifted, she wanted to slide her arms around him, but the angle she sat at wouldn't allow it comfortably. Seeing what she was attempting to do, Bucky scooted closer to the edge of the couch while Gwen slid up and back, sliding her arm around his waist as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Neither of them could see the TV comfortably, but they didn't care, they weren't watching the movie anyway. This was just an excuse to be able to lay like this. Bucky's arms wrapped tightly around her, while Gwen hugged him close to her, never wanting to move from their position.

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