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(Saturn Mutants is mentioned in this chapter. SM is the name of a band created by Sarah Strix (QueenStarbuck on Wattpad) Orion is the lead singer of the band. Check out her work and Orion's story in The Orion Series).

Bucky stayed on the elevator when Gwen got off on the second floor. He went up to his and Steve's living quarters to get what he may need. Knowing she had everything she may need on her suit; she grabbed her phone and earbuds. The time on the quinjet can be daunting, she passes the time with her music.

Twenty minutes later Gwen was exiting the compound, heading to the hangar as her phone goes off with a text message.

Tony: Come on, kid. We're waiting on you.

Rolling her eyes as she looked up and watched as Tony entered the back of the quinjet, she replied knowing it gets under his skin, she ignored the weirdness.

Gwen: Sorry, DAD. You know how us kids are.

Tony: Seriously?

She entered the back of the quinjet as she pressed send.

Gwen: For serious, dude.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl?"

She heard Tony ask no one from the pilot's seat.

Leaning against the seat behind him, she not so quietly asked, "Kids say the darnedest things, don't they?" Gwen stated with a wicked grin on her face.

Jumping, he quickly turned around glaring at her.

"Sit." He pointed to the bench where Bucky sat watching the exchange between the two.

"What'd we miss here?" Sam asked watching the amused look in Gwen's eye and annoyed look in Tony's.

"Not a damn thing." Tony answered turning back towards the front of the jet.

"Buckle in, Gwen." Steve said as he clicked his chest straps together.

Gwen rolled her eyes. Now she had two guys trying to boss her around.

"What's wrong, doll?" Bucky asked as she plopped down next to him.

She slid her arms through the straps and buckled in.

"Just sick of being looked at like a child, that's all."

He watched her pull her phone out and stick the tiny speakers into her ears. As soon as he watched her pull up her music app, he knew there would be no talking on the flight there. Sighing, he sat back and closed his eyes.

Listening to Losers Weepers by Saturn Mutants, Gwen's body instantly began moving to the beat and guitar riffs. As soon as Orion's voice rang through her earbuds, she rested her head against the back and drummed her fingers on her legs,  bouncing them to the beat of the music.

Feeling movement next to him, Bucky opened his eyes and watched as Gwen moved to her music. Nodding her head back and forth, eyes closed, bouncing her leg and drumming fingers on her legs to the beat amused him. He enjoyed watching her in these rare moments when she was lost in her own little world.

"She always been like this with music?"

Looking up, Bucky noticed Sam sitting across from them.

"Ever since I've known her, she loses herself in music when she's nervous."

Bucky glanced at Gwen again, "Yeah. The music now is so much different, but she's still the same. She would listen to records for hours. As soon as she was old enough to get into the club, she would spend every Friday and sometimes Saturday nights there dancing the night away."

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