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The concert was an experience Bucky didn't think he'd want to have again. It was overly crowded, way too many drunken idiots, and insanely loud. He couldn't help but scan the crowd every few minutes to make sure there weren't any threats. Gwen was happy, though. He watched her more than he watched the band. The way her eyes lit up with certain songs and the way she'd get hyped up and bouncing along with the singer made him laugh.

When the concert was coming to an end, Bucky leaned into her ear when the lead singer was talking to the crowd.

"There's still another part to your gift, you're not ready to head back yet, are you?"

Intrigued, Gwen glanced at him, suspicion in her eyes.

"I guess not.... What are we doing?"

"You'll see, come on." He took her hand and weaved through the crowd of people.

The oversized crowd of people that he was sure was over the limit of what should be in this building. When they reached the side of the stage, they were stopped by security.

"Bucky, we can't be back here." Gwen warned.

Smiling, Bucky pulled his phone out and pulled up the screen Peter showed him. Showing the guards, one nodded and walked off towards the back of the stage.

A moment later he returned with a woman smiling, carrying a tablet.

"You must be Gwen."

Gwen's confusion was obvious.

The woman looked up at Bucky, "This is a surprise?"

Bucky nodded.

"Ok. Well, my name is Gloria and you my dear are going to follow me and I'll take you to the band."

Gwen grabbed Bucky's arm, "The band? Like, Orion, Jake, and Ben?"

He could feel her shaking with nerves and excitement, bouncing slightly, she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, doll. I bought you backstage passes."

"They do backstage meet and greets? I didn't even know Saturn Mutants did backstage greets. How did you do all of this?" She was rambling, talking so quickly it made Gloria laugh.

"These guys are knuckleheads, but they love their fans." Glancing back at Gwen, "The nice ones anyway."

As Gwen was guided backstage, she could feel her excitement shaking her to her core. Feeling as though she was going to jump out of her skin at any moment, she took a few deep breaths and glanced at Bucky.

"You ok, doll?"

Laughing, she shook her head, "Nope. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"It's just a couple of guys who get on stage and sing." He shrugged.

Gloria stopped just before of a set of double doors, "Wait just a moment while I see if they're ready."

Nodding at her, Gwen pulled Bucky off to the side, "Yes, you're right. They are just normal people who are doing what they love to do, but at the same time it's so much more than that. What they do, put themselves through... sometimes just to make their fans happy? Buck, it's so much more. And that doesn't even begin to touch on how their music created a community of fans that come together and help one another."

"We help people, Gwen. We save people."

Gwen's face fell, he just didn't get it.

"It's completely different, their music saves people like me. It gives us something to relate to, makes us feel like we're not alone in whatever issue's we're going through. Their music is an escape from reality for me."

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