Chapter 11 - Secret's out

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It's been a week since, Burcol and his Devil Friends went to the Familiar forest to go and get Asia a Familiar. Right now, Burcol was in sitting in his room, doing some image training. While doing that, Asia knocks on his door bringing him out of image training. He then goes to open his door to see Asia still in her School uniform.

Burcol-"Oh hey Asia." He said with a smile on his face. She then returned it back to him.

Asia-"Hey Burcol.... what were you just doing right now?" She asked him, because she was curious as to why there was no sound coming through his room.

Burcol-"Oh. Well, I'll was just doing some image training." She then looked at him confused, as to what image training was.

Asia-"Umm.... do you mind explaining what that is?" She asked him. Burcol wanted try and come up with the right words, so it doesn't confuse Asia and stuff.

Burcol-"Image training, is when the fighter involved closes their eyes and pictures an enemy. The fighter then imagines themself combating against the imaginary enemy. This allows the fighter to determine how an actual battle against a Person would play out." He said explaining the whole image training thing to Asia.

Asia-"Wow...." Were the only words that she can come up with. He just smiles at her reaction.

Burcol-"Now then.... was there anything you need, Asia?" He said to the sweet Girl.

Asia-"No. There isn't. I was just curious to what you were up too, that was all." She said as she smiled back at the Saiyan. "I'll let you get back to your training, Burcol." She was then leaving to her room. But before she was leaving to her room, Burcol called out to her.

Burcol-"Asia...." This got her attention and turned to face Burcol.

Asia-"Yeah?" She said as she was waiting for Burcol to say something.

Burcol-"Thank you for, uh.... living with me...." He said as his cheeks start to go a little red. "With you here, it doesn't get.... lonely." Asia stared at Burcol for a few seconds, before smiling at him.

Asia-"Well of course, Burcol. I'd rather be with you then anybody else...." She said to him. "Well.... I'm going to bed now. Have good night sleep, Burcol."

Burcol-"Yeah. You too, Asia. Goodnight." He said to her as she entered her room. Burcol then decides to go back to his room, to do more image training until he starts to feel tired.

Timeskip: The next day


Another day has come for Burcol as he gets out of bed and decided to hit the shower. As he got to the bathroom, he turned on the hot water to the right temperature in the shower and took off his pj's and got on in. As he was letting the hot water hit his back, he was thinking of skipping School today and going out to the lookout to train up there. And, his answer was....

Burcol-"Yeah, I'll probably just skip School for today. Besides.... it's only just one day I'm missing." He said to himself. "I'll probably just tell Asia, to tell Rias that I'll be training today." As he said that, he turned off the shower and went straight to his room to go change into his Saiyan armor. A few minutes go by as he was now down stairs, making an oatmeal for himself and Asia. As he was making it, he heard it a familiar voice coming down the stairs.

Asia-"Morning Burcol. How did you sle-" She then realises that, Burcol wasn't in his School uniform and she wondered why. "Why are you not in your School uniform?" She asked him. Burcol finally turned around to see her standing there.

Burcol-"Oh good morning, Asia. And yeah.... if your wondering why I am in my armor. It's becasue that I'm going to train today." Asia wasn't so sure about this, just by the look that she was giving Burcol.

High School DxD: Burcol the last Saiyan (High School DxD X OC Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now