Chapter 8 - Revenge

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Burcol-"Raynare." Burcol was staring at Raynare with his fists clenched and gritting his teeth. Asia notices Burcol getting angry and she went to ask him.

Asia-"Burcol.... do you know her?" Not looking back to Asia, he continued to stare down Raynare and answer Asia's question.

Burcol-"Yeah, I do. It's because she killed my Brother." After Burcol said that, Asia came shocked and covered her face in disbelief. Raynare notices him staring at her. And decides to do an evil smirk.

Raynare-"So you must be that dumbasses big Brother. Burcol wasn't it? Although, we did meet once when your brother introduce you to "Yuma." But that wasn't for very long." She said while she continued to give Burcol an evil smirk. "And you also killed Kalawarner as well, did you?" Asia looked at Burcol with a shocked face, thinking what Raynare was saying was true.

Burcol-"I don't care about all that now!" He says shouting at Raynare who was hovering above the water fountain. "And since you here now. I'm going to enjoy breaking every last bone in your body Raynare.... UNTIL YOU CAN'T MOVE ANYMORE!" After when he says that, he is surrounded with white aura and he was powering up. Leaving Raynare shocked by how much power Burcol is releasing.

Raynare-'H-How is a pure mortal have this kind of power!?' She says in her thoughts while Asia was astonished by Burcol.

Asia-'Burcol, please be careful." She said in her thoughts as she had her hands together while looking at Burcol.

Burcol-"YOUR GONNA FEEL THE POWER OF A SAIYAN! AAAAAAHHHH-." But he get hit by a spear as he was powering up. "GAAAHHH!" He fell to his knees and was holding onto his stomach.

Asia-"BURCOL!" She then rushed over to him while dropping the plush animal that Burcol got for her earlier. She bent down to Burcol. "Hold still." She says while she was placing her hands on his stomach. He was confused by this.

Burcol-"W-What are you doing?" He says while he was still in pain. Then Burcol started to feel the pain coming from his stomach going away. 'Wow, it's like that stab wound was never there at all. Her power is amazing.' He said in his thoughts. He looked over to Raynare and he notices her getting mad. Once Asia fully healed Burcol, he slowly started to stand up back on his feet. The both of them start to hear Raynare laugh.

Raynare-"Hahaha, now Asia. Be a good little Girl and come with me. Your healing power is far more rare and infinitely more valuable to our kind then him." Burcol starts to get angry and he notices Asia hiding her hands behind her back.

Asia-"I knew it. Your only interested in me because of my power." Burcol then notices Raynare summoning another spear.

Raynare-"How about we sweeten the deal. Come with me and I'll make sure that your Friend there doesn't get hurt.... but if you decline, I'll end his life right here and right now." Asia looked scared, she didn't know what to do. She was stuck in a bad situation. She didn't wanted to go with her but she'll kill Burcol if she refused. Until Burcol spoke up again.

Burcol-"She's not going with you Raynare!" Both Asia and Raynare notice this. "There is no way that I'm handing Asia over to you, you fallen angel bastard!" After when he said that. That really mad her angry.

Asia-"Burcol, please! Let me go with her. So that I know that your safe." She said to Burcol but he refused to say no.

Burcol-"If I can't protect you Asia then what good of a friend am I?" This made Asia shocked. Then they both see Raynare take off to the sky and she threw the spear at Asia. Burcol notices this. "ASIA!" He then got in front of her and took the hit for her, causing a big explosion. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" As the smoke was starting to clear, Burcol was holding on to Asia with no shirt on him and blood coming out of his back. He was wobbling a little bit until he collapse onto the ground. He couldn't even move his body due to how much damage he took from that blast. Raynare landed right next Asia and had another spear ready. She pointed it at Burcol, ready to end him.

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