Chapter 14 - The Rating Game

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(How's everybody doing? Quick note here before you start reading, I've recently announced that I'm going to try and do a double upload this month. And also take your time reading this Chapter as well. The reading time for this is about 2 hours. Well I won't keep you's here for long so enjoy the Rating game Chapter folks....)

With everyone's heart beating.... it was finally the day where they face off against Riser and his peerage in the Rating game, that there have been training soo hard for. Right now, Burcol was sitting in his room waiting for his alarm to go off so he can start heading towards the ORC building. The last ten days.... Burcol has been training his butt off in order to maintain his Super Saiyan form. And surprisingly.... he was actually able to stay in for a whole week in a half. While thinking about Rias and the marriage that she had no control over.... he was thinking, what would happen if they lost this battle? Would that mean that, Burcol couldn't see the People that he calls Friends anymore....? He then smacks himself in the cheek as he doesn't want to be thinking about that stuff. The only option that's in his head right now.... is winning. Then, he hears a knock on his door. Sensing who it was, it was Asia.

Burcol-"Is that you, Asia....?" He calls out to her as he continues to sit on his bed.

Asia-"Yes it's me. May I come in....?" She said back to the Saiyan.

Burcol-"Yeah.... you can come in." The door proceeds to open in his room as he sees Asia walking. What caught him off guard is that she was wearing her Nun outfit. It reminded him off how he first crossed paths with back when she was lost. "Haven't seen you wear that for a while." He says with a smile on his face. This causes Asia to blush a little.

Asia-"I thought wearing this would make me more confident. Rias said that I could wear it, as long as it made me feel comfortable. So I just wanted to know what you thought about it." She then looks away Burcol in a cute way. "Do you think.... it looks silly?"

Burcol-"Not at all. I think you wearing that will give me good luck. And you also look incredible." He said with that gentle smile of his. This causes her to be happy about him liking the idea of her wearing that outfit.

Asia-"Do you mind if I stay with you....? Just until we head off?"

Burcol-"Not at all...." He then pats his bed right beside him. "Come sit down." She then starts walking over towards his bed and she sits down right beside him. Then all of a sudden, she starts tugging onto his arm which gave him a worried look. "You okay....?" He asked with concern in his voice.

Asia-"I'm okay.... I'm just a little bit nervous about the battle. That's all. Still.... as long as I have you here next to me, I know that I'll be fine." She said with a nervous voice. He could feel her shaking little bit, so he wanted to do something to comfort her. He then pats her head like he does to her all the time. It always seems to throw her off guard everytime he does that, but at the same time.... she liked it.

Burcol-"Don't worry.... the last thing that I want to think about is losing this battle. I want to win and free Rias from this marriage. And if any of yous are in trouble.... I'll be right there to the rescue." He said with a comforting smile on his face. This seems to calm down Asia a bit as she starts to show that smile of hers that Burcol always liked.

Asia-"Your words.... the always put me at ease everytime that I'm around you. Is alright with you, Burcol....? If I just stay like this for a little while?" She said to him. What she meant by stay like this, is she wants to stay by his side just until there are about to leave.

Burcol-"Of course...." So they sat there until it was time to head out. A couple minutes go by and the alarm in Burcols room starts going off. Meaning it was time to leave. He then stands up from his bed and starts to focus on any of his Friends energy's. He senses Kiba's energy and he looks back at Asia. "I want you to grab onto me. I'm teleporting us to the ORC building." He says as she then began to stand up. She grabs onto his shoulder and he Instant Transmissions himself and Asia to the ORC building.

High School DxD: Burcol the last Saiyan (High School DxD X OC Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now