Chapter 7 - Helping a Nun

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Burcol was slowly waking up and he found himself out of.... space!? He was confused. He started looking around until he found a planet behind him.

He started to approach the planet until he found somthing heading towards the planet

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He started to approach the planet until he found somthing heading towards the planet. It was a massive ball of energy heading towards the planet, Burcol was shocked at what he was looking at.

Burcol-"W-What is happening right now!?" As he said that, the blast made contact with the planet, destroying it. The planet exploded, pushing Burcol back with a shockwave cause of how strong it was. He saw that the planet was not there anymore, all he saw was little pieces off the planet. He then started to sense something else as well, he turned around and their was a black figure, Burcol couldn't see him. All he saw was a massive ki blast coming at him. He tried stopping it, but it was no use. It ended up hitting Burcol. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

Hyoudou Residences

Burcol woke up, he was patting heavily and he pinched himself to make sure he still wasn't in no dream. He did that breathing techniques and it worked.

Burcol-'What are with this weird dreams I've been having? First the whole thing with that Bardock Guy and now with this whole blowing up planet thing.' He said as he rubbed his eyes as he got up for School. He also remembered something else, there was a black figure their as well. Burcol couldn't really see this person well but he was wondering why he was in his dream? He decided to worry about when he starts walking to School, he got his School uniform out and he popped it on. He went downstairs and started to make himself breakfast. He got the bacon, egg, bread, knife and fork out. After he was done making his breakfast, he sat down at the table and ate up all his food within 30 seconds. "I think that might be a new record for me, haha!" He said as he was laughing at himself, then he brought something else up. "It feels so weird not waking up to Issei, cause normally I'd be done with my breakfast while his still getting dressed for School." He laughed a little but turned into a sad face. "I miss you Issei, I will never forget the memory's we had with each other." Little bit of tears came out of his eyes, he realises this and quickly wipes the tears away. "I should probably be getting to School now." He then went to go pick his bag up and started to go to School.


Burcol was in thought as he was walking to School, he kept trying to think who that Person was but nothing was coming to him.

Burcol-'Grrr! Who was that Guy? Why can't I picture what he looks like?" After he said that, he heard someone fall over. He turned around to see who it was and it was a Girl who tripped over.... who is showing her panties. Burcol's face went red and he quickly looked away, trying not to be a pervert. He then heard the Girl speak up.

???-"Ouch.... dammit! I'm such a klutz." She then notices Burcol just standing there looking at the Girl, Burcol approached her.

Burcol-"Hey are you okay there?" He then offered his hand to the Girl to help her up. She then grabbed his hand.

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