Chapter 17 - Reunited

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(Before this Chapter starts, I would like to say to Toriyama Sensei, thank you for changing not only my life, but everyone else's. And also putting smiles on our faces, on our darkest days. The artistry and monumental impact of Dragon Ball will live on in the hearts of fans and creators for generations to come. Rest in Peace...)

~In Loving Memory of Akira Toriyama~

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~In Loving Memory of Akira Toriyama~

~1955 - 2024~


Teacher-"Your late... Mr. Hyoudou..." Burcol was extremely late for his class, after helping out a little girl from those bullies that he had to deal with. He knew that he was going to be late... but he never knew that he would be THIS late. Burcol was standing in the doorway looking at the teacher, as everyone from class was just staring at the Saiyan. Including Rias who just faced palmed because she was just talking to Asia about Burcol being late, as they were walking to school earlier. While with Akeno... she was just giggling at herself and found it hilarious that he got himself late. But both girls had no idea as to why Burcol had been late. "Would you like to explain to me as too why you're an hour late?" The Saiyan didn't know what to say. Because he was thinking that telling her that he had to help this little girl, that was getting bullied by these boys... she wouldn't believe him at all. So, he just sighed to himself.

Burcol-"Well... I had to run back for something, and I didn't realise that I was already late. That's my reason..." He said to the teacher, but Rias knew that wasn't the reason at all. She wanted to actually find out as to why the Saiyan boy was late. 

Teacher-"Well that's not good enough, Mr. Hyoudou. You'll be having a detention after the school day. No if's, and's or but's. Got it?" Burcol knew that he wasn't going to win in this situation. So... he just decided dive headfirst and take the detention that he now has after school.

Burcol-"Kind of had a feeling that you'll going to give me a detention, teach... but I'll take it anyway." He said to the teacher.

Teacher-"Good. Now head to your seat..." And without question, Burcol just heads over to his seat. He would rather save that little girl and getting the detention... then not doing anything to help and him just getting on with his school day. He then starts to walk to his desk, as Akeno and Rias just looked at him. They were still curious as to why he was so late, and what he was up too. Once he reaches his desk, the first people that he sees staring at him were the girls. With the teacher gone back into teaching her class, Akeno leans over and asks the Saiyan boy.

Akeno-"Oh my, why are you so late...?" She whispers with a smile. Burcol gave her a quick glance and responded with...

Burcol-"Later..." As he looked back at the teacher that continued to teach the class about stuff. Akeno just lent back into her seat, and Rias was curious as to what she said to the Saiyan. She was probably thinking, she asked him as to why he showed up an hour late for class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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