Chapter 2 - Kamehouse

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8 Years later

It has been 8 years since of the arrival of Burcol from planet Vegeta. And he has been raised by the Hyoudou Family, Burcol is now 12 years old and has been kicked out from so many Schools. he tried to fight a kid once because they were having an argument of who gets which food. Burcol broke his arm and knocked him out cold. Now he trains to get stronger, and is getting home-schooled by his Parents or tutors. But one day, Burcol was asked to go to the Shops to go and get some stuff for dinner. Until he ran into a... Turtle??

Kid Burcol-'Is that a Turtle? What's it doing all the way out here?' He was trying to figure out why a Turtle is doing all the way out here

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Kid Burcol-'Is that a Turtle? What's it doing all the way out here?' He was trying to figure out why a Turtle is doing all the way out here. Burcol decides to approach the Turtle on the footpath. 'Maybe he's trying to find he's way back to the beach and probably got lost.'

Turtle-"Oh no! now I am lost, now never get back to Master Roshi's place." Said the Turtle. but then he saw a Kid walking up to him.

Kid Burcol-"Umm, excuse me Mr. Turtle but where did you come from?" Burcol said to the unknown Turtle. The Turtle looked up at him and spoke.

Turtle-"Oh umm, I was trying to find my way back to my Master's house and now I'm lost and I don't know where to go." The Turtle starting to look sad. But Burcol wanted to cheer the Turtle up, he hates when people are always sad cause whenever he sees someone upset, it makes him upset as well.

Kid Burcol-"Awwww, cheer up buddy. I can help you find your Master's Place for sure." Burcol saying to the Turtle that he can help find his Master. The Turtle looked at him shocked cause whenever he try's to talk to humans for help, they get scared and run off.

Turtle-"Umm, aren't you scared of me Human?"

Kid Burcol-"No, why would I be scared of a Turtle for?" He says to him.

Turtle-"Because when I try to ask for help, everyone gets scared of me and runs off cause no one has heard a talking Turtle before. But you're different. You didn't run away." The Turtle saying Burcol who was just smiling.

Kid Burcol-"Oh, is that why? Haha, well I always thought that Animals could talk even when I was little." Burcol chuckles as he was asking the Turtle.

Turtle-"You are a strange, Human." The Turtle says while smiling. "Anyway what's your name Boy?"

Kid Burcol-"Oh right, I should give you my name." They both share a laugh. "My name is Burcol Hyoudou, but you can call me Burcol, if you want?" He says to the Turtle while smiling.

Turtle-"Well Burcol, I like to ask why a Kid yourself is doing all the way out here? And where are your parents?" The Turtle asking where he's parents are.

Kid Burcol-"My Mom and Dad asked me to go get some stuff for dinner, but now I'm not gonna make it to the shops now. There going to be closed in a minute." Burcol says to the Turtle in a sad tone. The Turtle notices that Burcol is sad about not getting stuff for dinner, the Turtle starts to speak up

High School DxD: Burcol the last Saiyan (High School DxD X OC Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now