Chapter 4 - Kuoh Academy

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6 Years later

Another few years go by, and Burcol and Issei have returned back home for the first time since the Android attack. Issei was enrolled to a school called Kuoh Academy and lets just say.... he doesn't have much Friends cause he normally a pervert and that's all thanks to Burcol's Master, Master Roshi. Burcol also decided to go to Kuoh Academy cause he wanted to meet new people.

Burcol-"Hey Issei!" Burcol calls his Brother to the living room, Issei comes walking in. "Do you know when I start school?" Asking Issei.

Issei-"Umm I think you start tomorrow, why?

Burcol-"Oh, just asking that's all." He says while giving him a warm smile, Issei does the same. "Well I'm going to be heading off to bed, don't want to wake up late on the first day tomorrow." Burcol says while he was walking up stairs, then Issei spoke up.

Issei-"But it's only 7:45, are you really going to bed early Burcol?" He then stops walking up the stairs and turns around to face Issei.

Burcol-"Hey you know me Issei." He says to his Brother while giving him another smile "Goodnight Issei."

Issei-"Goodnight big Bro." Issei then goes to he's room to get some sleep. With Burcol, he was laying in bed getting ready to sleep. As he was closing his eyes he said this. 

Burcol-"Tomorrow is a new day." He says that while he fell straight to sleep. With Issei, he decided to stay up a little bit longer then his Brother because he wanted to look at some.... Girl magazines.

Issei-"One day, I'm going to have my very own harem!" He says while giving off a creepy face. After he was done reading the magazines, Issei went to Bed to get ready for School tomorrow. "I hope Burcol likes this School, he did promise me that he would go to one. But I'm hoping he doesn't get into any fights tomorrow." Issei then turns off the light and going  straight to sleep.

Timeskip: The next day


Burcol had just woken up from he's sleep, he goes to his alarm clock to see what time it is.

Burcol-'It's 5:45 in the morning, that gives me enough time to go and train out in the woods and come and get ready for my first day of School.' Burcol then gets out of bed and gets changed into his Saiyan armor that he had since he was little. But as he was growing up, it started to get tight around his body so he went into the city to go and ask a friend to make him a new set of armor. 'Luckily I visited a friend to make me new armor, without him I wouldn't be wearing this.' He said as he was putting on his Saiyan armor, as he put it on he tried not to make any creaking sounds to wake up his Brother Issei. He got to the front door and blasted off to where he normally trains.

Timeskip: 5 Minute later

He finally got to the woods and landed in a open area, he was thinking of what he can do for train since School doesnt start at 8:00.

Burcol-"Maybe I can start off with some push ups and sit ups, than I can do some lifting with a tree and probably end it off with some attacks." He then starts doing 10'000 push ups and 5000 sit ups.

Timeskip: 2 hours later

Burcol got done with he's training and started to head back to the house, as he landed he sniffed under his armpit and almost threw up by the smell.

Burcol-"Yeahhh, definitely going to take a shower." As he said that he walked in the house and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. He took off his Saiyan armor and turned on the shower tap and waited for the hot water to come. As the hot water came through, he hopped in and let the water hit his face and body. 'I hope I do make new friends today. And I did promise Issei that I would start going to School.' After Burcol took a shower he went to go wake up Issei, he walked to his bedroom door and knocked to see if he was awake. "Issei, are you up yet?" He said from the other side of the door, you hear him starting get up.

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