Chapter 6 - Meeting the Devils

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Burcol was sleeping on the ground in a weird black void, as he woke up he stood straight up to his feet and was wondering where he was. He was confused to where he was, he then brought his hands against his mouth and decided to shout out.

Burcol-"HELLO? IS ANYBODY HERE?" As he said that, he could hear his own echo but there was nothing. 'What is this place anyway?' He was confused to where he was, he then started walking forward to see if he can something or SOMEONE in this weird place. Every step that he took, he could hear his own foot steps cause of how big this place was.

???-"So we finally meet again.... my Son." I then stop walking and turn around to see who said that. He didn't see anyone and looked around him to try and find who was talking.

Burcol-"Hello? Who's there?" After he said that, he heard footsteps approaching him from behind him. Burcol got into his fighting stance just in case if this Person was a foe. This Person came started to come into view. He had black spiky hair, had a scar on the left hand side of his face and also had Saiyan armor on. Burcol notices the tail behind him as well which makes him shocked.

 Burcol notices the tail behind him as well which makes him shocked

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"W-Who are you?" He just smirks at Burcol.

Bardock-"I sent my Son to planet Earth a long time ago. It's good to finally meet you Burcol." Burcol who just stood there looking dumbfounded was trying to process through this. "You finally did it." Burcol looked confused at Bardock.

Burcol-"D-Did what?" He said to him.

Bardock-"Super Saiyan, You can finally transform into a Super Saiyan. We Saiyans thought that it was just a myth but.... it's actually true!" Burcol tried to think what he was talking about until he started to think about the death of his Brother and that fallen angel. "Do you mind transforming for me Son?"

Burcol-"I'll try to." He then separate his legs and tryed to focus of the energy. "HHHYYYAAAHHHHHH!!" He started screaming and he started to get that same feeling from Issei, his eyes and hair blinking back and forth until he gave off one final scream.
"HHHYYYAAAHHHHHH!!" And for the 3rd time in Burcol's life, he was in his Super Saiyan form. Bardock just smirks at his Son while Burcol was feeling the power for himself, he was astonished by the amount he was releasing. "So.... I'm guessing this is the Super Saiyan form I take it?" He nods at Burcol and he dropped out of the form by doing calm breathing. He then looked up to Bardock. "Let me ask you something?" He gets his attention. "Tell me if you really am my Father, then why did you sent me away when I was a young boy?" He was going to speak but Bardock notices that it is nearly Burcol's time up. Burcol was still waiting for an answer. "Hello? Earth to Bardock?" He then snaps out of his thought.

Bardock-"I'm afraid our time is up Son, I'll explain everything to you the next time we meet." When he said that, everything around Burcol started shaking and he almost lost he's balance. Then all of a sudden, everything started to go white and was becoming harder to see for Burcol.

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