Chapter 13 - Training Camp (Part 2)

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(Hey.... it's been a while, huh. So yeah. Quick note before you all start reading. This Chapter is a little bit longer then the other Chapters that I have done in this Story. So I'd advise all of you to take your time to read this, because I feel like they will be spelling mistakes. But if there isn't.... well then, enjoy the Story....)


Koneko was about to train with the training equipment that, Burcol had given to her. She was fully surprised by how these things can be useful. She had remembered from Kiba, saying that the young Saiyan didn't really get used to them after 2 days. But the way Kiba was able to do way better then Burcol, in under a day.... she thought it was amazing. So if she thinks that he can do it, then she can be able to do it as well. So she started to pop on the weighted ankle bracelets around her ankles, but there was a problem. They were WAY to big to fit around her ankles. From her face expression, she was pretty annoyed.

Koneko-"This dumbass.... I can't train if these are too big to fit around my ankles...." She said to herself, as she was frustrated with Burcol for getting her big training equipment that won't even fit her. "Might as well just do the basics from yesterday." She said as she bends down. But as she was about to take them off, the bracelets started to adjust themselves to fit around Koneko. Once they were a perfect fit, Koneko started to feel the weight from weighted equipment. It felt like to her, that she was gonna get pulled all the way down to the centre of the Earth. "S-S-So.... h-heavy...." She said as she was struggling to even say those two words that she was trying to get out of mouth. So.... she started to do breathing technique that, Burcol told her to do. Once she was breathing in.... she was breathing out with ease. After a couple of minutes of doing the same thing again and again.... she was able to get use to the ankle bracelets already. She can still feel the weight, but I wasn't as heavy as before. "I have to get use to these, before I can actually start doing the usual." She said to herself, as she starts to walk around the forest. She was struggling at first but in under a few minutes, she was able to start walk a bit faster. "I can do this.... I'll get stronger for the People I need to protect. I'll protect the Prez. And.... and...." all of a sudden, she started to blush for some reason, as she started to think of a certain someone. And that certain someone was none other then the young Saiyan.... Burcol Hyoudou. "And also you.... Burcol...."

Timeskip: 1 hour later

It has been an hour and, Koneko was already running around with the weight training equipment. She was thinking as to why, Burcol had such a hard time training in these? That was something that she was gonna ask when he get's back from the Time Chamber tomorrow morning. But right now, she just wanted to focus on her usual training that she has been doing since yesterday. So she heads back to the usual spot that she was training and starts off with some routine stretching. Working her calfs, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, abdomen, and more in her muscle system. Once she was done doing that, she then started doing her usual thing that she was doing yesterday.

Koneko-"Better not waste, any more time...."


Inside the Estate, Kiba was swinging his sword that his hands over and over again. He had an idea to keep swing his sword down until his hands start to lose grip of his sword.... or his starts to feel pain. He did for well over an hour or two, and his felt like they were about to fall off. But he wanted to keep on going. He wanted to endure the pain that he was feeling in his arms right now.

Kiba-'I'll keep swinging until I feel my arms, start to fall off!' He said in his thoughts, as he kept on swinging his sword. The one thought that was in his head right now, was Friends that he wants to protect. They meant soo much to him that, he would do anything to protect them. As he was still thinking of that, he realises that his on his knees now. And his sword was out of his hands and on the ground in front of him. Looking at his hands, he had blisters all over from holding onto his sword.... real tightly. Not only that, but he could feel the ground pulling him down again. He then only realised that he wasn't concentrating on his breathing. 'I-I gotta.... concentrate on my breathing again. Before it actually pulls me all the way down!' He said as he was on one knee. He tried to do the same thing as yesterday. Closing his eyes, and starts breathing in and out. After a couple of minutes of doing breathing technique, he was now back onto his feet and was walking fine again. "Jeez.... I really need to focus on my breathing, more then anything. If I'm thinking about something other then that, then back to the ground for me." He then looks at the sword that he dropped, and goes to pick it up. He only feel the pain that was in his arms when he tried picking it back up. He didn't know if it was a good thing.... or a bad thing that his arms are that sore. Kiba try's not think about to much and ignores the pain that he is feeling. Once his sword was back in his hands he could feel the stinging feeling from when the grip of the sword, and the blisters that he had on his hands were hurting him a little. Because they were making contact with each other. "With my arms being tired now.... maybe I should focus on more running or jogging. I wanna push myself until I can run anymore." He then puts sword away by using magic, and starts doing the same thing as yesterday.... running around the Estate building.

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