Chapter 9 - Pact Experience with Rias

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It has been over a week since Burcol and the rest of his Devil Friends rescued Asia from Raynare. And Burcol has been training more. Every morning before he would go to School, he would go to the forest and go train in his Super Saiyan form. To try and master it. And if he had the time, he would also train after School too. He put's his Saiyan armour in his bag so he wouldn't have to wear he's School uniform all day because it would get too itchy for him whenever he wears it. One day, he was done with School and he was making he's way over the ORC building so he can chill out there. As he got inside, he found out that he was the only one in the building.

Burcol-"Strange, I thought Rias would be in here.... oh well, might as well wait until everyone arrives." He then went over to the couch to relax from a boring School day. As he was relaxing, he started to hear something. He turn around to around to see what that sound was and it was.... a shower? 'I wonder who's in here.' He then went to sense who it was and it Asia who in the shower. 'And also, why is their a shower in the ORC building anyway? Anyone could just peak in and see someone naked.' He said in his thoughts. 'I think I'm going to take a little nap.' Burcol then lays back on the couch and shuts his eyes to get a little nap.

Timeskip: 30 minutes later

Burcol was a sound asleep and he was slowly starting to wake up from his nap. But something was wrong. Burcol felt like he was sleeping on a soft pillow. He didn't remember getting anything. He looked at who or what he was laying on. Burcol saw a familiar sight. It was Akeno, who was resting Burcol's head on her lap. Burcol perked his head straight up from Akeno's lap. She just giggled at his reaction.

Akeno-"Sorry, you just looked so peaceful that I didn't wanted to wake you up, hehe." Burcol just gave her a weird look.

Burcol-"Oookay?" He then looks around the room to see Asia and Kiba sitting on one couch. He then looks over to Koneko who was sitting by herself just eating snacks. Then he's name get's called out.

Rias-"Did you enjoy your little nap?" Burcol looks over to see Rias sitting over at her desk.

Burcol-"Ahh, y-yeah I did. I came in to see if any of you's were here, but you weren't, except for Asia who was taking a shower." This causes Koneko to stop eating her snacks and look at him.

Koneko-"I hope you weren't spying on her." She said to him. Burcol looked at her with a shocked look on his face as to why he even peek at someone while there taking a shower.

Burcol-"I've already told you this, I'm not a pervert!" He said to her. This causes the whole room to laugh a little. This causes Koneko to smile a little at Burcol.

Koneko-"I'm only joking with you. I know your not one of those dumbasses that go behind the kendo club and peek on the Girls." She said with a smile. Then, Rias speaks up.

Rias-"Now that your here Burcol, I want to ask you something." This gets his attention. "How often do you train?" Burcol wondered why she would even ask that question.

Burcol-"Uhh, I train everyday. Right before I head off to School. Why ask?" She said to Rias. She just smiled at him.

Rias-"I was wondering if I can stop by your place tomorrow and see what kind of training you do?" This caught everyone's attention. They wanted to know what kind of training Burcol does.

Burcol-"Yeah, sure. I don't mind. What time are you suggesting?" This cause Rias to think of what time to meet Burcol.

Rias-"I was thinking 5:00 am. What do you think about that time?" This causes Burcol to smile and he nods his head at Rias.

Burcol-"That's a perfect time. That's when I usually get up to train." This causes Rias to smile.

Rias-"Then I guess that's done then. You are all dismissed." Everyone says their goodbyes. "Oh, Asia." This get's her attention. "Let's have a chat about sleeping arrangements." Asia looked confused.

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