When we got outside we saw.....
We saw Zombies crowding around the church.We all ran inside.When we got inside Liz,James,and Kaleb went to our rooms to grab some of the bags."ATTENTION!"I yelled at a room of talking people.They all put there eyes on me."THERE'S A BUS IN THE BACK WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS.GRAB YOUR THINGS AND GET TO THE BUS THERE IS A HOARD OF ZOMBIES IN THE FRONT!!!"I yelled at them and they just stood there with worried looks on their faces."MOVE MOVE MOVE!"I yelled at them.After I yelled that they all ran to there rooms to get their things.By the time the room had cleared Kaleb,James,and Liz came down."This is insane we can sneek out the front."Liz said walking to the doors.James grabbed her arm and pulled her back."You go out there and your dead"I tell her.She pulls her arm away from James drops the duffle bag and walks out.Seconds later we all hear her screaming.I picked up the duffle bag and we all went to the bus where everyone was waiting.There are to many people.Lucky us.We have 3 buses lined up.We had an equal amount of people per bus.
We were on bus 1.We had 3 bus drivers that have experience.So we sat in the back.I shared a seat with James and Kaleb was sitting with some blonde girl his age in the seat in front of us.We had out things in the seat next to mine and James's seat.So we were trying to get atleast 1 city away.We are curently in Alabama.So we have a ways to go.So we moved up to the cities.Like New York Maine.I know you think more zombies.Right?Well most people got out of there.So if we move up we can work our way to California.So we are almost halfway to South Caralina.So when the dark night fell upon us we were all tired.I had my knees pulled up to my chest shivering.It was freezing but I had no idea how.So James gave me his jacket and I fell asleep in no time.
Yay! How cute and sweet of James! My bf thought I should add that. No his name isnt James or Kaleb not even close. Lol THANKS FOR READING!!!