Chapter 11 The Day We Run Into Danny Blackk....
James an I finally get out of the underground train tunnels we climbed a ladder back up to earth.We just started walking from there.Once it started getting really late we luckily found a hotel.Of course the first thing we did was check all the rooms.As James and I started to walk up the stairs to the second floor all power on that street came on.All the street lights.All the lights in the hotel.All the lights from the near by buisnesses.So James and I ran to middle of the street.As did a few other suvivors.As soon as everyone saw each other we all were aiming at one another with our weapons.I had my bullet locked into the chamber just as I relized who all was around me.
A few of them we had run across when all this crap started.I looked around and spotted Kaleb."Kaleb?"I said walking up to him."Lyric? I thought you were in China."Kaleb said confused."Past tense."I replied giving him a hug."See your still with James."Kaleb said looking over my shoulder at him."Yea he's been a lot of help."I said motioning for James to come over.Just then a girl walked up to James."Laura?"James asked kind of shocked."James."She said kissing him."Kaleb you got anymore ammo or weapons I can have."I asked Kaleb.He nodded and grabed my hand and pulled me to the building he ran out of.
"So who is tht chick making out with James."Kaleb asked me."Don't know don't care.But she's not coming with us."I replied to Kaleb.He just smiled."What?"I asked."Your so...Lyric."He said laughing a bit.I lightly punched him in the arm. "Jeez i was kidding Ly. You dont have to punch me."kaleb said still slightly laughing. Just then James walked in with that Laura chick. "Hey Lyric. Can Laura come along with us?" James asked. I rolled my eyes. "What?" James said confused. "I don't even know her and here you are just asking that question!" I said getting a little angry. "Shes my girlfriend. I lost her when getting out of our town." James said simply. "Thag doesn't change anything James." I told him.
I grabbed the bag of weapons Kaleb gave me and thanked him and walked out. I started to walk back to the hotel when everyone on the street heard the moans and groans of the mutated freaks. Everyone bolted. I waited until i saw the hoard coming. The hoard had about 5 or 6 zombies in it. I grabbed and grande and through it into the hoard. It exploded all the zombies in the hoard. I waited there a second and then a huge fat tubo zombie came around the corner and I bolted. Everyone was loading into a bus. "We dont have the time to wait around. The biggest zombie in the history of zombies is heading this way." I said trying to cath by breath. So we pulled out if there. "We should head to a cathedral about a day or two drive from here." I said simply. So the driver followed my instructions. James was sitting with his girlfriend. She had blonde hair and looked like a tooth pick. So we drove all night.
I fell asleep on Kaleb's shoulder that night.In the morning I woke up to Laura Jame's girlfriend laughing.I sat up and Kaleb saw me evil eyeing Laura and he grabbed my hand."Next time you wanna disrupt my sleeping Laura I will disrupt your breathing pattern!"I yelled at her.She looked shocked and James looked mad."Ouch.Someone woke Lyric up to early."Kaleb said with a breathly laugh."Lyric.Say your sorry!"James said."Think again."I replied rolling my eyes."ZOMBIES!!!"One of the survivers yelled.Kaleb and I grabbed a gun and I tossed James one.Kaleb held out a gun for Laura."I don't shoot."She said rolling her eyes."Well today you do you ugly spoiled brat."I hissed at her.
"Not happening."Laura said.I walked up to her and pointed the gun at her head and clicked the first bullet into the chamber."Y-you wouldn't s-shoot me."Laura stuttered."No weapon and your just dead weight for us to cary around."I said to her."Fine."She said snatching the gun from me.I opened up a window and hit 3 zombies with one bullet.Within 5 minuets half the zombies were killed.
I saw some more running to the sound of the gun shots."DRIVE!"I screamed."But..."The driver started."UNLESS WE WANT TO WASTE ALL THE AMMO ON THESE ZOMBIES I SUGGEST YOU DRIVE!"I yelled over the gun shots.So he started the bus and kept going.
hope you liked it. Thanks everyone for reading!!!!