Chapter 25 - A Drought Is Upon Us
It hasn't rained a drop since it stopped raining a few hours ago. Kaleb and I were walking because all the rain had been dried up. It feels hotter than usual every since it stopped raining. Kaleb and I had our jackets wrapped around our waists and I was in my tank top. Kaleb had taken off his shirt.
We were walking when we can across some car tracks. We decided to follow them only because they were in the same direction we were headed. We had stopped following them when the tracks disappeared. Either someone some how messed with the tracks or the car stopped.
"That was a huge waist of time!" Kaleb shouted.
He's been pissed lately for some reason. And he would start yelling at little things and pointless things. Like we were waiting for the rain to stop or let up a little and he started yelling at the rain. He just yelled at it and I didn't even know what he was saying.
"Kaleb are you on your man period or something. You haven't stopped yelling at stupid things." I said looked at him.
"Shut up Lyric! You can think you all big and bad. And you can think you funny but incase you haven't noiteced the wolrd is fucking ending! Everyone in the fucking world are fucking zombie!" Kaleb screamed at me.
I looked at him and he could tell I was pissed. He's never yelled at me like that before and I'm not going to let his get away with it either.
"Well I'm fucking sorry for trying to cheer you up you fucking basterd! If you think your so cool than why don't you fuck off and leave the killing to grown ups! Your acting like a fucking two year old! You haven't stopped screaming at stupid things! If you don't shut up I'm going to chop your head off you fucking ass hole!" I yelled back at him.
He looked at me and took a step back.
"Sorry." He whispered.
I just went back to following where the the tracks were going. I thought it was our best bet right now. Wow it's like noon and we have already cussed each other out. But I guess we have been in this shitty world so long that we have no one else to take our anger out on except each other.
So we walked in scilence until we hit a little camp. It had like 4 tents that were filled with weapons, ammo, clothes, food, water, and blanckets. We were looking around when some girl jumped in front of us. She was swingging around a knife trying to cut us. But just before she cut Kaleb's arm I caught her wrist and shoved her back.
"I swear if you trying something like that again I'm going to have to kill you." I growled.
She looked at me trying to act tough but I could tell she was fucking terrified.
"What the hell do you people want?!"She basically screamed at us.
"We are just passing through you phyco bitch." I replied.
Then a boy walked out from one of the 4 tents.
"Who are you and what do you want." He asked standing his ground.
"Passing through." Kaleb said to the kid.
"Sorry if my sister caused you any harm. She's just been freaked out because we had a horde of zombies pass through here the other day." The boy explained.
"Didn't mean to scare you. We are just looking for the oil feild." I said understanding.
"We've been here a few days and haven't ventured far. Sorry we can't help." The boy replied.
I smiled at him and pulled a handfull of bullets out of my pocket and handed it to the little boy. He looked at me and smiled bigger.
"Thanks." He said simply.
I smiled back and pulled Kaleb past the two kids and out of their little camp sight. It was nothing but kneehigh grass. Almost like a little feild. It was nice of that boy to try and help us. I had a handfull of bullets because I picked them up if I saw them. Just incase someone needs a little help or in that case tried to help us. I wonder if the horde they came across were mutated or regual zombies.
I often wonder that. Every time I see the destruction of zombies I wonder how many normal and how many mutated ones were in that horde. I don't know why I wonder I just do. I also think of how many people were alive. How many people were turned into a zombie. How did the mutanted ones come to exsist. All of these are question everyone must wonder at some point. Right?
Kaleb and I kept walking. I was waiting for the rain to start falling from the sky. It never came. The sky was cloudy but the rain just never came. So I finaly just gave up and just focused on walking.
"It's hard to tell what your thinking sometimes."Kaleb chuckled.
"Im just thinking about zombies." I said laughing.
We kept on walking until it became dusk. We decided to stay at a little hut we found. Something to just stay in for the night. I hope we don't get attacked. I hope it doesn't start raining.
(__)__(__) LATER INTO THE NIGHT (__)__(__)
I was staring at a wall of the hut because I couldn't sleep. Kaleb some how was asleep and lightly snoring. I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to attack me. The sleep never came but the heart sure as hell attack me. It was hot in this hut and we were on the floor! I though heat was supposed to rise not fall!
I closed my eyes and started counting zombies. I know it's supposed to be sheep but zombies seemed to work just fine.
1 zombie
2 zombie
3 zombie
4 zom...zombie.
5 zombie
6 z-zombie.
Huge yawn.
7 zombie
8 zombie
An even bigger yawn.
9 Zom-zomb-zo-zombie.
10 zo.....
Sleep finally had fallen upon me......
Posting tons of short chapters!!!!!!!