Chapter 15 The Day We Run?
We had just cleared out all the zombie bodies from last night. Broke 2 bats and a sword. Ammo we saved and didn't use much. "I can't believe we got attacked last night." Kaleb said sitting next to me in out 'meeting room'.
"I thought we had gaurds."Laura said freaking out. I rolled my eyes at her stupidness.
I just sat with my head rested on Kaleb's shoulder in scilence. I just closed my eyes. "You alright babe?"Kaleb whispered to me. I just nodded without saying anything.Silence. "Just a headache."I whispered back to him after a long silence.
Kaleb rolled his eyes. "Your such a little liar."Kaleb said just as James appeared in the front of the room.
"We must get out of here. within the next 24 hours I predict the streets will be filled with zombies. Pack up what you have and meet me in lobby in about 1 hour. Thanks. Get packing." James said smileing at the end of his little speech an thn walked off. Everyone stood up and walked out of the room. Including Kaleb and I.
Kaleb and I walked up to our room and started packing. I threw my clothes and Kaleb's clothes into one duffle bag. Kaleb threw all our bats and swords in another and I grabbed 2 more duffles and went to the weapons shed.Put my and Kaleb's guns and ammo in the 2 duffle bags. I met Kaleb along with everyone else. "Alright We have 5 people per truck. 3 in the cab 2 in the back with all the bags and stuff. Grab a truck and let's get moving."James said picking up his and Laura's stuff and walked outside.
Kaleb and I sat in the back of a truck. In the cab was James Laura and some like 4 or 5 year old little girl. In the next truck we had the mother of the girl and some teenagers. In the 3rd truck we had some guys in there 20's. And in the 4th and final truck we had 3 teenage girls and 2 girls about 10 or 11. Once we were loaded into our trucks we headed off in search a safe house. We were low on food onsidering we had been living off of simple pancakes and then boxed things for a good week now. Each of the 5 trucks was supplied with 1 full duffle bag of boxed food and bottled water. No sodas or anything lasted.
After a few hours of driving through this city we landed in some small town. Windows and some doors boarded up. We stopped at a gas station to try and fuel up. Some of us includeing me and Laura and a few of the guys that are in there 20's went in search of food. "So ladies. How bout we hook up later."One guy with bleach blonde hair said as we walked. "Go get eaten by a zombie perv."I said as I walked into a store with my sword attached to my hip.
A zombie that was killed earlier was still moving. It had a a huge piece of metal in it's arm though. So I sliced it's head off with one quick movement and filled a little basket with some water that I found and a box or two of food and went to the back.Found some more water and no food. So I walked into the next building and quickly ran out. It looked like whoever was here found a place for dead zombies cause that building was full of them. After a few more searches in some surrounding stores I went back to the trucks and shared what I has found equally between each truck. Before I knew it we were on the road again.
What will come up next? Zombies? Most likely. A pack of wolves? Not very possible but still not impossible. Cats chasing all the zombies away? Cool and entertaining to see. Who knows what will happen. Who knows maybe I'll die or we'll get seperated from eachother. Only the future knows. For now we take this whole thing Day by day and hour by hour. Let's hope our outcome will be a good one and we won't be shoved off a bridge by a zombie and go SPLAT on the ground. Terrifing of how many ways you could be killed now a days. So many combinations of ways to die. I hope I die cool. Like die awesomely!
So there on the road again. What happens? Not sure now.Do me a favor though. Someone stole a story. Help defend. Read 'The Teacher' By-alyloves1direction. Then read 'Falling H.A.R.D for ...Mr.Styles?!' By-AnnaDirection. Please help Alyloves1direction shes a good writer she doesn't deserve this! Thanks! :)