Chapter 21 After the battle?
Yesterday this huge battle happened and we almost lost Laura.
We walked out of the hotel place and and were greeted by a huge horde of zombies. Some were mutated to look like just skin. We all started shooting them. Everyone started shooting them. Everyone got headshots everytime. They were dropping like flys until the mutated one got enough balls to show themselves. Nothing would kill them. All the sudden
Click! Click! Click! Click!
Everyone was out of ammo. So I threw the gun behind me and grabbed an Ak 47 from one of the guys behind me. Another click from this gun so I started beating the zombies with the gun. Laura got grabbed and everyone lunged and grabbed her. Once we got her out of the mutated zombies arms we all ran inside. One of the BSAA guys threw a granade ito the horde and then they ran back ito the building.
Zombies are so stupid. Blondes are smarter than them. Well some blondes are smarter than them.
"It's over. Looking for Irving I mean." James said as he intertwined his fingers with Laura's.
"I'm still going after him. He could have the key to reversing all this shit." I said as I went back to packing up my weapons.
"She's right.I'm going with her." Kaleb said throwing some of our ammo into another bag.
"You two are clearly insane! I almost got eaten and turned into a zombie and your still going after this stupid Irving guy!" Laura screamed at us.
I rolled my eyes and packed up Kaleb's weapons too.
I woke up and put on my shoes and gently shook Kaleb awake. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to where I was sitting next to him. "Come on we have to get going. It's gunna take a few days to get there." I said standing up and trying to pull him along with me.
He finally gave in and stood up. He put on his shoes and grabbed the bag of weapons and the bag of ammo and we both walked downstairs. "The is a car fo you guys parked outside. the adress to where your going is written on a piece of paper and was placed in the glove box." Hunnigan explained to us.
We walked outside and to the car. Kaleb put the bags in the back and we both hopped in the car. I opened up the glove box and pulled out the peice of paper was right where she said it would be. I gave the adress to Kaleb and he drover off.
Kaleb and I were just laughing at some things that we saw and things we said. Kaleb looked at me and laughed. "What?" I said looking at him.
"Nothing." Kaleb chuckled.
I looked at him with a sad look on my face. "Stop looking at me like that." He said squirming in his seat.
I could tell he didn't like me looking sad. So I kept the same look on my face and I kept looking at him. "Your just cute. That's all."Kaleb finally said.
"Yea. Sure. That's totally what your thinking." I said rolling my eyes.
Kaleb rolled him eyes at me and laughed. I was about to say something but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I am so ready to just kill this guy and end this whole zombie thing. I hate zombies. When I watched zombie movies I always wondered what it would be like to live in a world like that. Now that I know what it feels like to be face to face with death everyday of my life. It's not fun. I honestly hate it!!
I closed my eyes and started thinking about what the world would be like if this never happened. I would probably be hanging out with my dad at the shooting range right now. Or hanging out with Kaleb at his house. Who knows what they would be doing right now on a normal. All I knowis that right now I'm in Africa driving around looking for an adress that I don't even know if it's real or not. I'm searching for a guy who might be behind all of this with my best friend. I'm just happy because I haven't been turned into a zombie. Not yet anyway. Hopefully I will be able to end this before something bad happes to me.
"Lyric. Are you alright." Kaleb said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh yea I was just thiking about something." I said yawning.
"You should get some rest. You look tired. Did you even sleep last night?" Kaleb asked me.
"Not really. The zombies kept me up all night so I just stayed up staring at the wall." I said yawning again.
"Well take a nap. I'll wake you up if I need you." Kaleb said smiling at me.
I nodded and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep....
I woke up and we were parked at a Save A Lot. Kaleb was gone so I assumed that he went in to get some more food considering we didn't have a lot of food when we left. I heard a scream come from the store, I grabbed a 12 gauge shot gun, and got out of the car. I walked into the store and carefully walked down each isle. I saw Kaleb kneeling next to some guy that looked our age. (A/N BTW they are about17)
"What happened?" I asked kneeling next to the guy.
"I don't know. I was just getting some boxed food and I knew he was in here because he told me I could grab some food but not all of it because he's camping out here next thing I know I heard him scream and I found him like this." Kaleb explained to me.
I checked his arms and things for bites or something. I found a bite mark on his left arm. I stood up and clicked a bullet into the chamber and aimed it at the kid. "What the hell are you doing?!" Kaleb yelled at me.
"He's infeted. That's why he collapsed. Better kill him while he can't feel it." I said with my finger on the trigger and ready to shoot him.
Kaleb sighed. "Fine but I'm not watching." He said standing up.
"I don't wanna kill him but we have no choice. There hasn't been any zombrex except for that little bit we found in that small town. Then you stole it and now it's god knows where." I said to Kaleb.
He just gathered up some food and walked out. I took in a breath and aimed at the kid. I held my breath, closed my eyes, and fired. I heared a gasp from the kid but I knew he was dead. I walked out of the store, Threw the 12 gauge shotgun in the back, and hopped in the car. We were out on the road again....
Alright. So That's a LONG chapter. I'm going back through all the chapters and chaging them to Chapter 1 Chapter 2 ect. Th whole date thing is getting annoying..... So yea and it would make it easier to write. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!
I'm trying to get as many chapters as I can posted before I move. I don't know if we will have internet when we get there or not. So the more chapters that are posted before I move the easier it is. Love you all and thanks so much for reading! Xoxo