Chapter 10: Gem

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"Oh no,where am I?"I mused,brushing off the sand on my blackish-blue skirt. the new i remembered that Pitch had separated ne with the Guardians.

I had to find a way out.Out of the blue,a little golden flame appeared in front of me,trying to tell me to follow it.C Curious I followed it,as the flame glided in the air like a graceful dove.

When I reached a mountain cave, the flame disappeared and a light shot into the cave.Shocked I immediately gave chase for the light.Something told me that I needed to chase that light.

The light stopped in front of a volcano and I almost fell into the hot pot of burning lava.

"That was close,"I muttered under my breath.But there was someone across the volcano that looked like a bright golden spark.Out curiosity,i advanced towards the shining light,trying to find out the source.

My body started to get warmer and warmer as I went closer and closer to the luminous light.Sweat started dripping down my neck and arms,and it was worse since I was wearing a dress.I couldn't stand any much longer but my instincts told me to go one.At last,i was standing in front of the light.My hand reached out to touch it and the intense light started to glow so bright that I probably could have gone blind.

When I opened my eyes,i was back in the beach,the same spot where I first came to the unknown island."Wha...What just happened?"i mused,confused about the situation.I stood up onto my feet but only to notice that I was clutching something in my hand.I unclenched my fist and noticed a reddish-orange gem in the hand.The gem was hot,however,i could withstand the burning heat.

Suddenly,i felt a surge of burning energy flowing through every part of my body.Then,i started to change.I didn't know what was going on at that moment.I thought it was something Pitch or Night had done but I later found out that my body or rather,the gem absorbed me.My blue dress started to flame up and turn into a fiery orange color.My hair stood up and became actual flames,my eyes turned red and my precious bow became a powerful weapon.It turned into a burning bow that was carved into a Phoenix and my arrows were actual phoenixes.Flaming phoenixes!

The gem was then formed on my head and a band was around my forehead,like a flower crown.

This was what I was missing.Power.I raised up my hands and flames shot out of them,sending fireballs into the ocean."Woah!!!!"i cheered.I couldn't wait to tell Jack about my newly-found powers

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