Chapter 7:The Prince of Nightmares

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"Jack...I-"I was immediately cut off when a wave of darkness engulfed me.The last thing I heard was 'Merida!'.

I squeezed my eyes shut and my toes touched the ground.It was like...concrete floor.That's weird.Hesitantly,i opened my eyes and saw darkness everywhere.At first,i thought it was Pitch's lair but I was wrong.The surroundings were drastically different.There was cages,loads of gold and...the worst thing of all,pictures

"Ah...finally!You're here!My little princess..."a lay voice said.I spun around and saw a young handsome looking man who had the same skin tone as Pitch.He had bushy eyebrows (which matched him),vibrant yellow eyes,dreamy eyes and a masculine body.I was a bit stunned by his looks until I saw his cloak.It was sand!I then realized it was made from the screams and nightmares of children.

I plucked up my courage and boomed,"Who are you?Why did you bring me here?"

"I am Night Black.The Prince of Nightmares and son of Pitch Black."he announced,flipping his white silvery hair.I rolled my eyes,smirking when he flipped his hair.It looks a lot like Jack's just that it is a bit straighter.He told me that he was deeply in love with me after he saw my adventure with my transformed mother.I mumbled,"Stalker..."

He reached out my hand and held it,kissing my hand and then hugged me,"I love you...Please don't leave me..."

Instantly,o freaked out and pushed him away,slapping his cheek."You rascal!How dare you say that to a princess!"

"I thought you said you were no princess."

"Only my family and Jack can kiss me!"

"Jack Frost?"he asked mysteriously,"How is he related to you?"

I beamed,"He's my best friend."Immediately,Night's eyebrow furrowed and he clenched and unclenched his fists."Him again...He is evil,don't ya know?He tried to kill people by freezing them to death!He is the Spirit of Mischief,you can't trust him.He's only toying you so he and those stupid Guardians can take over the world with their...their stupid hope,wonders and dreams!They-"I punched Night in the face and gave him a good slap with the back of my hand.

"Don't you dare say that again...I'm warning you...if you dare,you know what will happen to you and your beastly father..."i snarled.

He raised his eyebrows,"What will happen?"

I rolled my eyes and gave a punch to his face."This."i said,slapping his cheeks again and again.

"Now stay out of me and Jack's way or I will slap even harder."I said as I raised my hand.

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