Chapter 13: Separated from Love

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Jack's POV

"I have to go to Merida's aid!"I yelled,slamming my fist on the table.

North glared at me and replied with his loud booming voice,"It's too dangerous!You might get severely injured!"The Guardians were having a debate on Merida's kidnapping.From what we knew,Night has highly powerful dark magic inherited from his father,Pitch.Unwilling to risk my life,North disagreed on the idea of saving Merida.

Tooth flew to my side and gently comforted me,"Jack,don't worry.Wait for more news...It's just...It's just too dangerous for you to go alone..."

At that juncture,all I saw was red in my eyes.Upon hearing Tooth's 'comfort',I snapped,"We save her now!"My brows furrowed and my grip tightened on my stick.Shocked,Tooth stumbled back,hands shielding her face,afraid that I was going to hit her.

Bunny immediately jumped to my back and pulled my arms back,causing me to screech in pain.I tried to fight back the sting in my arms as I wiggled around,breaking free from his grasp."Stop,Jack!Don't make me do this!"said Bunny,death dripping down his words.

I stopped and peered into his green grassy eyes,"Make me,"

The rage meter in Bunny's mind blew up.He kicked me in the calf and pinned me down to the smooth and nicely-designed wooden boards that North's yetis created.Seeing this,The Guardians dashed to the both of us and quickly disbanded the fight.

My legs kicked the air as Sandy and Tooth pulled me back with their greatest strength.I screamed and yelled and hollered as loud as I can,"It's all your faults!If you could have fight better,she wouldn't been gone!"

"Jack,her kidnap is not our fault.Fate chose her destiny and now she is taken away.You can't change it,"North said.

"Yes,we can.And I am going to change fate now!"I retorted back,flying out of the workshop and to Night's lair,only one mindset in my mind:Revenge.

Merida's POV

"Are you serious?"I said,unamused with his feat.

"What?"Night replied,confused.

I pointed to the bishop that just checkmated my king,"You won me...for the 5th time!"

"I am not only the Prince of Darkness,I am also the Ultimate King of Chess!Muahahah!"he laughed with his head back.

Being locked in a cage isn't the most fun thing to do.It was also boring,not to mention.For the past few days,I was held captive at Night's 'fantastic and marvellous' home.Everywhere I see is filled with fear and dread.To make everything more lively,Night decided to play some board games with me.We played chess,monopoly which is a really fun game that you can play for hours,airplanes and more.It was like a game night.

"And the pawn is down,"Night announced as he ticked my white pawn down to the surface of the wooden board."Your move,princess."

I stated intensely at the situation on the board.Right now his knight and queen were surrounding my army of plastic figures.At that time,I couldn't afford to lose again,it will make me lose my face.

My fiery,blue eyes scanned the board as my brain was browsing through the solution of defeating the invincible demon prince.

A spark inside my mind lit up and I used my queen to solve the problem."Checkmate,mister!Haha!"i gloated,mocking Night.Defeated,he whined,"That's not fair!"

I shrugged my shoulders,"Life ain't fair,lassie.You just gotta deal with it."

Night gritted his teeth,still not admitting his defeat.He looked away and disappeared into the shadows.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling,"Jack...where are you..."Tired,I went back to sleep,waiting for rescue.

Jack's POV

I flew to Burgess to enter the portal to Pitch's lair.I had to save her,if not she will be gone,forever.

I arrived at the random wooden bed that was blocking the entrance of the portal.Taking a deep breath,I jumped into the hole,falling into the endless dark tunnel which probably lead me to my death,though I am already out of this world.

With skills,I landed on my feet and took out my staff,swinging around to protect from any creature or being that was going to lunge onto me.Straining my ears,I tried to hear for Merida's voice,but after a while,I gave up as her voice wasn't audible.She was not there.

Suddenly,her Scottish-soul voice echoed in the lair,"Jack...come..."

"Merida?"I said,spinning around,searching for Merida."Are you here?Where are you?"

"Jack...come here...Jack..."her voice resonating through the cold,gloomy air.Without any second thought,I followed the source of the sound,dashing through the empty darkness.

After running for some time,I realised that I was actually running in circles.The voice was just an illusion that was messing up my mind."Having trouble,Frost?Let me help you,"a familiar dark heavy British-accent voice said from behind me.I turned and aimed my staff at the being.

"Pitch."I growled.

Oh my god, a chapter done!Finally!

So glad I am back!

Hope you like this chapter and stay tune for more stories like this!

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