Chapter 9:Pitch Black

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"Merida?Merida?Are you alright?"Jack waved his hand in front of me.My head was heavy and I shook my head.

"Yes,i am head..."i muttered,rubbing my sore head.Glancing around my surroundings,i realised i was back on reality.Jack hugged me and kissed my cheeks,trying to protect me.I pushed him away,assuring him that i was alright.But I knew he was petrified,i knew he was afraid of losing me.Just then,North burst into the bedroom,all frantic and hurried,"Pitch is here!Quick,Jack and Merida!"

As we ran outside,we could hear screams of chaos,terrified elves and yetis,papers flying.It was a living nightmare.I grabbed my sword while Jack tightened his grip on his staff.Nightmare sand swarmed the globe ad there he was.Pitch Black.

"Haha!Hello,my fellow Guardians.It's been long time,hasn't it,North,Tooth,Bunnymund,Sandman and Jack Frost?Oh,i see you bring a new friend.Merida of Dunbroch.What a pleasure to meet you."Pitch smirked,waving at me.The lights in the workshop flickered crazily as Pitch moved swiftly to me.

Pitch gently stroked my hair and smiled evilly,"I will be glad to make you my daughter..."Disgusted,i swung my hand at him however,he dodged my blow and turned into a shadow.He cackled and opened his hands,"Let the party begin!"

Finishing his sentence,dark sand engulfed the Guardians and me,blurring our vision.I was scared and terrified but I did not let fear overcome me.I screamed,"JACK!"Then,i tumbled down into a deep hole of darkness and nothingness.

My head was dizzy.My eyes were heavy and my head hurts really bad.I opened my eyes and light from the sun stung my eyes.'Where am...i?Jack?North?Bunny,Sandy,Tooth?Where are they?'I mused to myself.They weren't there.It was just a serene view of the sea.

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