Chapter 17: A Fierce Battle

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Merida's POV

"Merida,Merida?"i hear a familiar voice as i was being shaken.My vision slowly clears and Jack's face was up close against mine.I jumped and stuttered as if i had just been shocked,"J-Jack?"He smiled.He didn't have dark,jet-black hair.His eyes weren't yellow either,the hoodie he was wearing was the warm blue i recognized.

Jack chuckled and skipped around,"It worked!I can't believe it worked!"The immature childish behavior kind of looks like Jack's but i doubted my own thoughts.Could that be Dark Jack disguising as Jack to lure me into his trap?Or am i just  hallucinating?I knew i should not have ate those cookies.

As Jack leaned in closer,i took a step back,still afraid that he wasn't the real Jack.He raised his eyebrow and reached out  his hand to me,"Meri,why are you scared?It's just your handsome boy,Jack?"Handsome boy?Yep,it was definitely Jack.He pulled me up from the floor and brushed off the dirt on  my dress.As usual,Jack leaned in close to my face and whispered,"You wanna kiss?"

SLAP!A red mark slowly appeared on jack's pale icy cheek."What was that for?"he yelled.

"For everything!Why did you risk your life to save me?Moreover,you failed and now you are attacking everyone even the Guardians!"i ranted,tears welling up in my eyes.His expression changed from sheer confusion to disappointment.Not in me,but himself.Silence.Jack stared at the floor,infinite thoughts racing through his head as i looked at him,still waiting for an answer."I was too much.I couldn't accept the idea of losing you to that jerk...I had to save you but the others wouldn't let me,so...i went head on."

I could see the huge disappointment plastered on his face.It was heart-breaking for me to look at.My hands clasped onto Jack's face and my lips immediately touched his.My red hot lips warmed his icy cold ones.We immersed into this enjoyable and romantic moment,biting on the lips.It was phenomenal.It was as if a ton of fireworks was lighting up in my heart and a bunch of cotton candy was shoved into my mouth.Sweet and lovely.After a while of kissing or making out with each other,we decided to sit down and discuss on the current situation.

"So you're saying that you're being trapped by your counter-part?"I repeated.

"Or that's what Manny told me,"

"We gotta get ya out of here before your twin destroys the world with Pitch,"i grabbed his hand as i blasted fireballs into the distance,but nothing happened.The fireball just continued going straight until it couldn't be seen.jack sighed,"It doesn't work.I tried countless times.Why do you think i am still here if it worked?"True.But at this rate,North and the crew are going to lose!What are we to do?At that moment,an idea sparked in my mind.

I turned to Jack and said,"If you teleported my conscious here,you can bring my conscious back to my body."

"For what?"

"To defeat Dark Jack,duh,"I rolled my eyes."I wonder if defeating will bring you back,"

Both of us then sat face-to-face and Jack closed his eyes,focusing on teleporting me back to my body.I bit my lip.What if this doesn't work?What if Jack fails to bring me back?A thousand of 'what-ifs' bombarded my head.I was psyching myself out.All of a sudden,Jack snapped at me,"Stop doubting yourself!"

"Okay,okay,"I said,waving hands at him.He then went back to concentrating,and gradually,i felt more drowsy.Eyelids heavy...Then,i blacked out.


I woke up to seeing Tooth shaking me vigorously,at the same time,slapping my face,which stung pretty bad."Oh my,Merida!We were so worried...We tried waking you up but you wouldn't oppen your eyes!Heck,we almost thought you died,"she said,bringing up to my feet.

"Well,i am fine now.We gotts save Jack,hurry!"I exclaimed,grabbing her hand and yanking her towards the intense battle between North and Pitch.The yetis and elves were sent to help,so did the Easter Eggs,but nothing was being solved.Dark Jack flew around,destroying everything on sight and attacked the yetis.As we walked along the streets,our lips trembled as we glanced at the frozen yetis and elves.Sweat dripped down my forehead.I could hear Tooth whimpering behind me,fraid that she was going to be Jack's next target.So did I.

As we approached closer to the battlefield,i could feel the shock waves from the clashes and repels from the attacks.At the corner of our eyes,we noticed North trying to stand up with his sword as he was being beaten up by Pitch. Instinctively,Tooth let go of me and ran towards him,"North!"But those were her last words.Unfortunately,Dark Jack saw her and froze her too,even though she's  his close friend and partner,and it was done right in front of me.I then hear a loud howl of pain,terror,and i realized that was my own.A surge of rage and anger flowed through my body as i dashed towards,raising my fiery red flaming bow and smacking him in the face.Dark Jack was then pummeled to the ground by my hard smack in the face.

Dark Jack slowly got onto his feet,rubbing his cheek and smirked,"Tough cookie,huh?Why are you persistent on getting little weak Jack back?Let's just leave this place and have a little fun,"I rolled my eyes and acted as if i was puking and said,"A guy like you will never deserve any girls,not even that...what's her name?Oh yeah,Amanda Bynes.She's way too high for you!"Finishing my sentence,i whipped out one of my arrows from my sack and aimed carefully at Jack,making sure it will hit his heart.

The arrow in my hands weren't normal.Sure,all my arrows aren't normal since they are all on flames and having powers,blah blah blah.But this was a special one.Before going to war,North created an arrow that was able to destroy any darkness or evil,but there was only one available for me to use due to the rarity of the ingredients and the amount of time used to create it.I mentally crossed my mind and prayed that the arrow would hit Dark Jack.Closing my eyes,i let go of the bow string.It was as if the world slowed down.The arrow shot through the air,making a loud whoosh sound as it traveled.As it cut through the chilly cold air,the arrow started spinning as it made its way to Dark Jack.I bit my lip and waited in bated breath.I crossed every appendix and prayed hard to every different gods i could think of.

Unfortunately,Dark Jack noticed the arrow spinning towards him and he dodged it.He cackled devilishly,"Looks like you're not a great shooter as we thought you'd be.I am utterly disappointed in you.At least graze my skin."

"No..."i stammered,looking down at my feet,unable to believe that Jack is forever gone.Tears started to well up on the edges of my eyes,and then trickled down my cheeks,surprisingly cold.It might have the been the cold weather.At this moment,i felt like i was in a movie as i looked around me.North and Bunny were on the ground,covered in the dirt and bruises from the attacks they endured.Tooth who was still frozen,the little helpers of North all lay on the ground,seemingly dead or unconscious.I lost all hope.We failed.We failed everyone.I failed everyone. More likely,i failed Jack.

What are we to do now?What was i going to do to save the world and more importantly,the children?

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