Chapter 4:Pitch Black

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It was time for dinner with my family and my best friends.It was a big deal for me as I rarely had the chance to eat with friends.I feeling the second Punzie whenever we had dinner like this.At least I get to see the world outside.

"How is Anna,Elsa?Is she doing fine as your takeover for Queen of Arendelle?"my mother asked Elsa,not looking up from the plate.Elsa said shyly,"Um...i think she should be doing great.Plus,this is a very good experience for her."Mother nodded her head and looked at Punzie,"How does it feel to be the Princess of Corona?"

"It feels great!I love being a princess!"Punzie exclaimed.I rolled my eyes,"Psh...yeah it feels great.What a lie..."Mother glared at me.Seriously,bring a princess is not as easy as it is.I know Mother is trying to tell me not to ruin Rapunzel's thoughts but it is the truth!

"Has anyone seen my precious sword?I've been finding it for hours but still nothing!Boys!Did you hide my sword!"screamed my father,Fergus.My wee brothers looked at each other and shook their heads.Fergus looked at me and I shook my head.Then i heard someone stifling his or her laughter.I turned my head and saw Jack laughing bus head out.I stood up and lied to then that I was going to the restroom to do my business.I grabbed Jack by his hoodie and locked ourselves on the restroom."What are laughing at,Frost?"

"Hahaha...i...hid his...sword in the top of the tower.Hahaha!"Jack confessed.So it was him!I gave him a slap and grabbed his shirt."Hey! jerk!Why did you do that?"I bellowed.

"Cause I am also the spirit of mischief.I also hold the record on Santa's Naughty List."Jack smirked.He leaned in closer,trying to touch my lips.I shoved him back to the wall and stormed out the room.My family looked at my angry face and asked if I was okay.I just said that I was a bit angry because I tripped and fell a few times.

After dinner,everyone went to their bedrooms and Jack and I went into mine."Merida,can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"I need you to leave the castle for a while for a mission."

"What mission?"

"You know all the legends of Santa Claus,The Tooth Fairy,Easter Bunny and Sandman?"

"Yes!I know all of them!"

"They need your help to defeat The Boogeyman Pitch Black.He is trying to take over the world with his evil fears and nightmares,then all of is will disappear."Jack said.

Without a second word,i said a loud 'yes!',of course,I would help them.

Jack grabbed my hand and said,"Then let's go."

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