Chapter 11: Battle Of Loss

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Merida's POV

With my new powers,I flew back to the workshop as quick as possible,hoping to find the guardians.It was an amazing experience.As I flew around the globe,I saw many famous landmarks and picturesque scenery.Leaning Tower of Pisa,Mayan Temple,Mt. Fuji,and many more.

Finally,I reached the workshop.It was a wreck.A havoc.Toys were destroyed.The globe fell off the stand.Lights were blown and papers were flying everywhere.But there was no sign of the guardians.

"North?Jack?Tooth?Bunny?Sandy?"I called out to them as I was searched around the place.No answer.Until a yeti came out of its hiding place and came towards me.

"HULUBLURH!BLURLAARGH!"the yeti named Phil blubbered.I nodded my head,despite the fact that I can't understand what he was saying.

Phil then concluded by asking me,"DUUH DU UDERDAND?"He asked if I understood what he was talking for the past 5 minutes.

"No."That was my reply.

Phil facepalmed himself and grabbed a machine from a random drawer nearby.It was a translating machine North created.

Repeating everything he said,the amazing translator did its work and translated everything Yeti to English.

"Apparently,North and The Guardians went to search you but I think they are in a battle between Pitch.I am not sure where they are but I know we can get there through a backup sleigh in the garage."The translator spoke.Shocked,I immediately ran to the garage while Phil followed behind me.

Upon reaching the giant sleigh door,Phil flashed a weirdly-designed remote control and a replica of North's sleigh slide through the door."Wow,you yetis are amazing builders,"I gasped,patting Phil's back.

"TO NORTH!"Phil yelled.I laughed and squeaked with excitement as the red,magnificent sleigh took off,flying high in the sky.

Jack's POV

Merida,where is she?I couldn't find her anywhere.She disappeared,just like that.The other guardians were battling with Pitch and his army of nightmares.The other yetis had been wiped out,from what North heard,we have shortage of weapons to battle against Pitch and we knew we were going to lose.

The nightmares were destroying North's wild inventions and the tooth fairies were captured.Bunny,Sandy and I were trying our best to protect Tooth and North.

"Hahaha!Seems like the strong,mighty Guardians are losing!"Pitch gloated,floating around us,preparing to give us the final blow.I closed my eyes,waiting for the huge swarm of nightmares to swallow me."Once again,I am victorious-"

"Not if I can help it!"a familiar voice called out from the other end.I slowly opened my eyes and spotted red fiery aura coming from behind Pitch.As I scrutinised closer,I realised it was Merida!She survived!I jumped with glee as Merida flew down gracefully while she blasted...fireballs?

Fireballs.She was shooting fireballs.I was shocked.This wasn't Merida.Merida is a mortal.But the young lady had the face and hair of hers."Jack?"the young lady waved her hand I. Front of me.


"Aren't you glad that I am here?" 'Merida' smiled,holding on tightly to her bow.

"Um...yeah!Yeah!But is that really you,Merida?"I asked.

"Of course it's me!Just that my appearance may be different,I am still the jolly old Merida!"she patted my back.Before I could open my mouth,a large creature landed right in front of me,scaring the wits out of the guardians and me.

"RAWR!"A giant yeti roared loudly in front of me.It was Phil!My buddy!I was glad that at least one of the yetis survived.I hugged him and he gently embraced me,feeling loved.

About Merida,I was still shocked.Where did she get those powers from?What happened to her dress and her hair?It was amazing but scary at the same time.

She raised her eyebrows,"Earth to Jack Frost!Why are you zoning out?"

"Merida,how did you became like-"I said,not before Pitch threw a nightmare spear at us.

Pitch glared at me,"Stop your whiny chit chats.I got a huge announcement to make,"He then cackled devilishly,"Night!Come out!Your future bride is here!"

Merida's POV

"Night!Come out!Your future bride is here!"Pitch laughed,gesturing to someone.As soon as he finished his sentence,my heart was filled with dread.Something bad is going to happen.I could sense it,but not in my belly.

I readied my bow and flaming phoenix arrows and heard Jack shout,"Merida!Behind you!"

I turned and in a split second,I saw him,Night,with black hair and yellow shimmering eyes,and his grey skin tone like Pitch.It's Night Black.

Jack stood beside me,trying to protect me from Night.Night then glided towards his father,standing right beside him on the rooftop.

"Guardians!Meet my son,The Prince of Darkness,Lord of The Unknown Fear,Night Black!"he said,his voice echoing through the night air.Immediately,I shot an arrow towards Pitch and Night,which ultimately missed.Pitch created Nightmares and they dashed towards,trying to attack.

Tooth used her wand to make the Nightmares disappear,North and Bunny used their weapons to destroy them,Sandy used his powers to turn them into his allies while Jack froze them.With my newly-found power,I shot flames and fireballs out of my hands and used my bow and arrows as they were my thing.

As I tried to run to attack Night,I heard a loud shout for me."Merida,look out!"North warned,racing towards me.I scanned around me then something dragged me through the ground,into total darkness.I couldn't hear anyone,or see anything.But before I was dragged down,I could see the guardians being slammed into the wall,knocked into unconsciousness.

What was happening?Did we just lose?Did we lose everything?The world was Pitch's now.The Guardians have failed.

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