Chapter 14: Revenge

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Jack's POV

"Pitch,"I snarled,face to face with the menace of the world.Pitch opened his arms wide as he cackled,"Frost.Welcome to my lair!"

"Where's Merida?"I said."WHERE IS SHE?"

Pitch raised an eyebrow and broke into a burst of laughter,"Hahaha...Frost,this is my home,not Night's."

This was not his home?But...they're father and son.The atmosphere was tense as the both of us glared at each other.Pitch stand upright and I swear I could see a glow in his eyes as if someone brought him back into his sense.

He held his palms together,smiling devilishly,"Frost,you want to see Merida,right?But at the same time,you want revenge."

I nodded my head."Fine,let me make a deal with you.One that has a price..."he smirked.

"What kind of price?"I asked,uncertain of Pitch's plan.

Pitch circled around me like a merry-go-round and touched my shoulder,"You will have my powers.If you're strong enough,you will able to control it and use it against Night.If you're weak,you will succumb to it..."Enough to win Night?Naive,I agreed with Pitch,allowing him to give me his nightmarish powers.

Pitch asked me to lend him my staff,which I reluctantly did,though I hesitated for a bit,afraid that he was going to destroy it.Dark sand came from his greyish palms and he calmly touched my staff.The black substance spread across the cracks of the wooden stick and emitted a eerie feeling,which made me shiver.

As the sand was travelling around my staff,I could feel a tiny sting in my heart,like a needle poking one's delicate skin.My hand went to my chest and grabbed it tight.Sweat started dripping down my forehead.The more the sand consumes my staff,the more pain my body feels.

"Pitch...What is this?W-why do I feel pain..."I winced,dropping on the floor.

Pitch glanced at me,"That's my power.Fight against it,Jack...Or else..."

I coughed and coughed as the pain started to intensify.I could feel heat in my cold,icy body.The power seemed to be rotating wildly inside me,beating every single muscle I have with upmost strength,causing me to tell in agony.

When the staff was fully consumed,Pitch grabbed it and threw it to me,and I held it.I felt emptiness inside of me.The light I saw was fading.



Merida's POV

"Night,tell me about your story.How you came to be,"I yawned,looking at Night who was browsing through some books.

He carefully placed his book on the brown wooden table and straightened his shirt.Clearing his throat,he started to tell me his background,"My father and mother met in Corona in 1718.She was a peasant during that time but her beauty caught my father's eye when he was there to unleash nightmares to the children living there.Heh,hence they both fell in love with each other.But of course,the villagers thought she was a witch.Before she was burned alive,she gave birth to me and named me Night.The darkness of the world when the sun is down,the dark sky which allows natural beauty of the stars to shine.Pitch couldn't do anything to save my mother and fled with me,regretting his marriage with my mother.Over these years,he took care of me and taught me how to control my hellish powers.That's how I became me.The prince of darkness.Lord of the unknown fear."

I was astounded.He never met his mother before and all he had was a terrifying father that gave him nightmarish powers,unlike me,a happy family with the best people I could ever have.

There was an awkward silence after that talk.I didn't know how to approach him without offending him or hurting his feelings.He had a unhappy background.

"Anyways,are you hungry?I got some food left,"Night asked,breaking the awkwardness between us.

"Sure,I am famished."I said without any second consideration.He went over to a table at end of the room and conjured up some dishes with his magic abilities.

I raised an eyebrow,"Really?That's food?"

He turned back in confusion,"It is food."

"Sand as food?"

"It still taste the same,"he said.I rolled my eyebrows and waved my hand at him,signalling him to come back.

Surprisingly,the 'food' wasn't all that bad.The chicken still taste as delicious as the one my home chef cooked.Salty but light to the taste buds.The tomato soup too.It was hot and savoury and it lingered the sour taste in my mouth even after a couple of minutes.

While I was eating,I noticed that Night was practically staring at me the whole time.I looked back at him and asked,"Is there a problem?"

Snapping back to reality,he shook his head and went to gobbling his food.Amused,I chuckled and ate the cream puff that was on my plate.

Tranced by my features,Night looked back at me and said,"Merida...I-"Crash!Smoke filled up the room and objects flew past us,hitting loud against the wall.

"Argh!"Night shouted,raising his dark soul voice by several decibels."Merida,are you alright?"

"Still in one piece,"I said,thumbs up to Night.

I scanned my surroundings.The dust and smoke were clouding the air,the dust entered my nostrils causing my nose to wrinkle as it itch.My lungs were filled with all the bacteria,causing me to cough repeatedly even after the smoke dissipated.

My eyes cleared and I saw a dark looming figure who looked really really familiar.The silhouette walked towards and slowly the features were visible.

Yellow eyes,dark grey and spiky hair,black hoodie and a staff.It looked like Jack's.But it wasn't brown.It was black.Further more,that man gave me the heebie-jeebies.

"Merida,I have come to save you,"the dark figure said,reaching out a hand to me.


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