Chapter 2:Jack in Dunbroch

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The family was sitting in the dining room.As usual,my father,Fergus,was just retelling the Mordu story(if you know what I mean) and my brothers were just whispering to each other,they were probably thinking of a prank.

Me?I was just chatting with my mother,not like how it was last time.Dinner was different!I enjoyed having dinner now than before.I saw mother enjoy dinner more than me(just by looking at her eyes and her brightened teeth)."Merida,i got a very special announcement for you.Rapunzel and Elsa are coming to Dunbroch!"My mother told me excitedly,hands flailing in the air.I squealed with delight and hugged everyone.

I couldn't keep in my excitement.I was filled with joy!

"When are they coming,Mother?"I asked.

"Um...Let's see...Oh!They are coming on Wednesday."my mother replied with a genuine smile.It was Monday and I gave a disappointed sigh.I really hoped that they would come the next day!But at least it wasn't like the next year.Phew!

After dinner,i told my mother and father that I would be going to the FireFalls again to have a refreshing drink.(I actually told Jack to meet me there)It was fortunate that they did not suspect anything weird.

I went to the stable to find my trusty steed,Angus.He gave me a small neigh as a small greeting to me.I got on the saddle and gave a strong whip.

Angus and I flew in the wind like an eagle.

"Stay here,Angus.And don't run back home,okay?"I patted my steed gently as he neighed.I wandered around the grass patch,"Jack!Where are you?"Then,a figure flew towards me---Jack,and bowed,"You called?"

"Yeah,cut the drama and let's fly."I teased.

"At your service!"He smiled and piggybacked me.I grabbed his sweater tightly so I would not fall off and die.He was such a gentleman,despite all the pranks.

We flew around Scotland,Ireland,England and Western America.We kinda spent almost the whole day around the world but it was fun.I told him that I had to go home so my family won't be worried for me.

"Hey,Jack!I am so happy!My best friends are coming to Dunbroch!"

"Who are they?"

"Rapunzel of Corona and Elsa of Arendelle."I replied.

"Wait,Elsa?"He gasped.


"I gave her powers of ice and I am technically her guardian."He explained.Wait,he knows Elsa?"What?You're the reason she hurt her sister??"

He rolled his eyes,"No.I only gave her powers,not hurting her sister.Don't make me sound like i am a bad guy!"

I laughed,"Okay.Okay!Calm down,wee guy!"He glared at me,"I am not little.I am 318 years old,you know."

"So,i call you Grandpa then."i said,laughing away.

After all that mini argument,Jack brought me back to where my trusty horse,Angus,was.Upon seeing me,Angus neighed loudly,hooves off the ground as if he was trying to say:'Yay!You're back,Your Majesty!Where've you gone?"I patted him softly on his head and got on his back.

Jack also followed my lead and said relaxingly,"Bring me to Dunbroch,Merida!I wanna have a good look."

"Who do you think you are,Grandpa?"

"I thought you said that you weren't a princess."

"But still you are not allowed to order me around."i shouted at his face.He shrugged his shoulders and took over my place.Bringing me back to Dunbroch.

"Good morning,Princess Merida!The King and Queen are searching for you!"my servant,Emma,told me.Hearing this,i ran to the castle with Jack trailing behind me.

I went into my room and locked the door.I smiled at Jack,"So.Whaddya wanna do?Sing a song or I don't know,dance?" He looked down on his feet,"I can't really sing or dance well..."

"I know you can Jack!I believe in you."I held his hand,smiling radiantly.Suddenly,my best friends,Elsa and Rapunzel,burst into the room."Merida!"they screamed and hugged me tightly."Guys!Um..."i said uneasily,pushing them back a little.I was suffocating a little at that moment.

"I can't believe we're here!Right,Elsa?"Rapunzel squealed with delight."Yeah...I just love how the scenery looks like outside.It's...spectacular!"Elsa said.

Jack and I exchanged looks.This is awkward.I really don't know how to spend the rest of those days with 'em.

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