Chapter 12: Night and Merida

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Merida's POV

It was dark and quiet.The eeriness of the hole was trapped in was terrifying.Never had I felt such fear.But being pyrotechnic,i lit up a small flame in my hands and brightened the surroundings.There was still nothing.

With the flame to comfort me,I walked around the area,finding out way out,but soon,I banged my head into something hard.I reached out to feel it.It was rusty bars.Instinctively,I knew where I was,Pitch's lair.That nasty place.

I tried busting the bars down,didn't work as expected.I tried using my sword to cut it down.Not working."Maybe I use my flame to melt it?"I mused.Flames shot out of my palm and the bars turned bright orange,however the metal did not melt.

"It won't work,Merida.These bars are cursed with my magic,"someone said.I looked down and saw the Pitch's son,Night.My brows furrowed.

He hovered up to me and grinned,touching my cheeks."Merida,listen.I know you might hate me but I love you,I really mean it,"he winked.

"I know you love me but I hate you,you ugly bastard,"I growled,staring daggers into his eyes.He chuckled and held both my hands,"That's why I love you.You are hard to get."

"And that's why I hate you.Now let me out before I burn that handsome face of yours!"I snapped.He immediately frowned.Without saying anything,he disappeared again in the shadows.

Furious,I banged my hands on the the steel cage.Night may looks handsome and dashing but he would never be my Husband or boyfriend.

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