Chapter 15: Not Jack

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Merida's POV

"Jack?"I gasped in horror.No,it wasn't Jack.

Jack has blue eyes.He has yellow and cold eyes.It was nothing like Jack's warm ones.

Petrified,I took a step back till I feel the grates of the cage behind my back,preventing me from moving back more to escape the ghastly new Jack.

Night was at a corner,slowly standing up as he winced softly in pain,knees and elbow bruised and grazed.I whistled to him,trying to call for help.

At that situation,I'd rather have Night than Jack.Instead of rescuing,Jack looked like he was going to assassinate me.

"What's wrong,Merida?Why are walking away from me?"Jack asked.His voice was dark and filled with cunningness.That wasn't his usual cheerful and sexy voice I heard.I was afraid.

I gulped,"Jack...stay away..."He walked past the bars of the metal rusty cage and touched my chin.His hand felt colder than usual,sending chills down my spine.His luminous solar yellow eyes stared back into my iridescent blue ones.Emptiness.All I can see in his eyes were darkness and no feelings at all.

My heart started ricocheting against my ribcage and sweat kept dripping down my forehead and temple.I closed my eyes in fear,wishing that everything that happened is just a dream and nothing more.

Smash!"Jack" went flying to the side of the cage.I looked at the direction where he was struck.Night saved me,surprisingly.He ran over to me and unlocked the cage,giving me my freedom.At that moment,I didn't care whether Night was bad or good.All I knew was that Jack was now the enemy.

Jack rubbed his chin and glanced at my direction,spotting me standing beside Night."Merida...don't worry,that guy beside will be gone in instant,"Jack snarled,shooting daggers at Night.My hair stood on ends.

With his staff,Jack aimed it at Night and black ice shot out of it.Night ducked and pushed me down to the floor to safety.His thick eyebrows furrowed in anger as he thrusted dark sand out of his palms.An intense fight started.They were both on par as their powers clashed with each other,neutralising the impact.

I stared at the two men.Which one should I save?Night or Jack?

Night was pretty nice as I spent some days with him but he was the one who kidnap me.Jack on the other hand,he is the one I really love but...that wasn't him.It was another beast who replaced his body and soul.

Without any second thoughts,I threw fireballs at Jack,who dodged every single one of them with his parkour skills.When he landed on his feet,another person appeared from the shrouds of darkness and it was none other than Pitch Black.

"Pitch,what have you done to Jack?"I growled,my blazing blue eyes firing up.

He laughed,"Nothing much.Just giving him what he desires..."Night himself looked shocked,why would his father help his rival?Never had he thought his father would betray him like that.

Night said as if the trust he had with his father was broken,"Father...why...why did you help him?That...that guy is my rival!"

"Night,don't be naive.What is a love triangle without a battle?Without war?After all,I love to watch people battle out with one another.It's...amusing."Pitch cackled,his eerie voice reverberating through the empty hollows of sound waves.

Jack eyed on me,inspecting my every move.I gulped.Night stood in front of me,trying to protect me.

"Merida,come with me.Let's go home,"Jack said,reaching out his hand.

I sniggered,"Home?I think my new home is just another cage like this."Jack's eyes flared,intimidating me.Afraid,I instinctively grabbed Night's arm without knowing.Night flinched for while and I could see a red tint of his grey cheeks.

Provoked,Jack gritted his teeth and swung his staff,blasting cold dark ice at us.The both of us dodged,jumping to the side.My fiery red hair sparked and glowed.If it takes hell to get Jack's soul back,I am willing to do it.

Using every ounce of energy I had,I pushed all my powers to the palms of my hand,exerting out a large fiery red energy ball that glows and one is able to feel heat even from miles away.Slowly,I brought back my arms and pushed the flaming energy in my hands with immense strength,causing it to shoot at a high accelerating speed at "Jack".

"Jack" blocked it with his staff and repelled it back to me,which I escaped by the skin of my teeth.Angered,I kept shooting bundles of fire at him.He did stunts to avoid and at the same time,he was trying to impress me.I rolled eyes and shrugged off his 'cool' impression my shoulders.

"Hey,lassie!If you keep shooting,nothing is going to work.I am just to skilled for you,"Dark Jack,as I would like to call that darn lass now,winked at me.

I pretend to vomit and laughed,"You?You're a dunderdeed,don't make me laugh,"He raised an eyebrow,confused of my ability in my Mother tongue."Dunderdeed means idiot,idiot."

His face turned bright red and he screamed in frustration.Night,at a corner,was arguing with his father,who seemed to be pleased with the fight that was going on.

Dark Jack suddenly calmed down.That surprised me.Taking in a deep breath,he tried to exert all his energy into his staff.Slowly but steadily,he managed to pull off a powerful dark magic,Sanctarmus.

The dark ominous spell loomed above his head.Dark Jack held it up high like trophy and glanced at Night,smirking evilly.I gasped.No,he wasn't...

"Bye bye,little butterfly...Say goodbye to your dreams..."Jack cackled,throwing his head behind him.Night's eyes widened upon realising the target was him.

Instinctively,I shouted,"NIGHT!LOOK OUT!"Timed well,Night disappeared into the shadows.Without any warning,Night grabbed me by my waist,pulling me into the shadows,escaping from Sanctarmus.

I heard Dark Jack yelled in a blood-curdling booming voice,"NIIIIIIIIGHT!"

Oh Jack,what has happened to you.

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